Source code for aggregate.spectral

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as ss
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd
from textwrap import fill
import logging

from .constants import *
from .random_agg import RANDOM

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Distortion(object): """ Creation and management of distortion functions. 0.9.4: renamed roe to ccoc, but kept creator with roe for backwards compatibility. Oct 2022: renamed wtdtvar to bitvar, but kept ... """ # make these (mostly) immutable...avoid changing by mistake _available_distortions_ = ('ph', 'wang', 'cll', 'lep', 'ly', 'clin', 'dual', 'ccoc', 'tvar', 'bitvar', 'convex', 'tt') _has_mass_ = ('ly', 'clin', 'lep', 'roe') _med_names_ = ("Prop Hzrd", "Wang", 'Capd Loglin', "Lev Equiv", "Lin Yield", "Capped Linear", "Dual Mom", 'Const CoC', "Tail VaR", 'BiTVaR', "Convex Env", 'Wang-tt') _long_names_ = ("Proportional Hazard", "Wang-normal", 'Capped Loglinear', "Leverage Equivalent Pricing", "Linear Yield", "Capped Linear", "Dual Moment", "Constant CoC", "Tail VaR", 'BiTVaR', "Convex Envelope", 'Wang-tt') # TODO fix examples! # _available_distortions_ = ('ph', 'wang', 'cll', 'lep', 'ly', 'clin', 'dual', 'ccoc', 'tvar', 'wtdtvar, 'convex') _eg_param_1_ = (.9, .1, .9, 0.25, 0.8, 1.1, 1.5, .1, 0.15, .15) _eg_param_2_ = (.5, .75, .5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.8, 3, .25, 0.50, .5) # _distortion_names_ = dict(zip(_available_distortions_, _med_names_)) _distortion_names_ = dict(zip(_available_distortions_, _long_names_)) renamer = _distortion_names_
[docs] @classmethod def available_distortions(cls, pricing=True, strict=True): """ List of the available distortions. :param pricing: only return list suitable for pricing, excludes tvar and convex :param strict: only include those without mass at zero (pricing only) :return: """ if pricing and strict: return tuple((i for i in cls._available_distortions_[:-4] if i not in cls._has_mass_)) elif pricing: return cls._available_distortions_[:-2] else: return cls._available_distortions_
[docs] def __init__(self, name, shape, r0=0.0, df=None, col_x='', col_y='', display_name=''): """ Create a new distortion. Tester: :: ps = np.linspace(0, 1, 201) for dn in agg.Distortion.available_distortions(True): if dn=='clin': # shape param must be > 1 g_dist = agg.Distortion(**{'name': dn, 'shape': 1.25, 'r0': 0.02, 'df': 5.5}) else: g_dist = agg.Distortion(**{'name': dn, 'shape': 0.5, 'r0': 0.02, 'df': 5.5}) g_dist.plot() g = g_dist.g g_inv = g_dist.g_inv df = pd.DataFrame({'p': ps, 'gg_inv': g(g_inv(ps)), 'g_invg': g_inv(g(ps)), 'g': g(ps), 'g_inv': g_inv(ps)}) print(dn) print("errors") display(df.query(' abs(gg_inv - g_invg) > 1e-5')) :param name: name of an available distortion, call ``Distortion.available_distortions()`` for a list :param shape: float or [float, float] :param shape: shape parameter :param r0: risk free or rental rate of interest :param df: for convex envelope, dataframe with col_x and col_y used to parameterize or df for t :param col_x: :param col_y: :param display_name: over-ride name, useful for parameterized convex fix distributions """ self._name = name self.shape = shape self.r0 = r0 # when created by calibrate distortions extra info put here self.error = 0.0 self.premium_target = 0.0 self.assets = 0.0 self.mass = 0.0 self.df = df self.col_x = col_x self.col_y = col_y self.display_name = display_name g_prime = None # now make g and g_inv if self._name == 'ph': rho = self.shape rhoinv = 1.0 / rho self.has_mass = False # @numba.vectorize(["float64(float64)"], nopython=True, target='parallel') def g(x): return x ** rho def g_inv(x): return x ** rhoinv def g_prime(x): return np.where(x > 0, rho * x ** (rho - 1.0), np.inf) elif self._name == 'wang': lam = self.shape n = ss.norm() self.has_mass = False def g(x): return n.cdf(n.ppf(x) + lam) def g_inv(x): return n.cdf(n.ppf(x) - lam) def g_prime(x): return n.pdf(n.ppf(x) + lam) / n.pdf(n.ppf(x)) elif self._name == 'tt': lam = self.shape t = ss.t(self.df) self.has_mass = False def g(x): return t.cdf(t.ppf(x) + lam) def g_inv(x): return t.cdf(t.ppf(x) - lam) elif self._name == 'cll': # capped log linear b = self.shape binv = 1 / b ea = np.exp(self.r0) a = self.r0 self.has_mass = False def g(x): return np.where(x==0, 0, np.minimum(1, ea * x ** b)) def g_inv(x): return np.where(x < 1, np.minimum(1, (x / ea) ** binv), 1) elif self._name == 'tvar': p = self.shape alpha = 1 / (1 - p) self.has_mass = False def g(x): return np.minimum(alpha * x, 1) def g_inv(x): return np.where(x < 1, x * (1 - p), 1) def g_prime(x): return np.where(x < 1 - p, alpha, 0) elif self._name == 'ly': # linear yield # r0 = occupancy; rk = consumption specified in list shape parameter rk = self.shape self.has_mass = (r0 > 0) self.mass = r0 / (1 + r0) def g(x): return np.where(x == 0, 0, (self.r0 + x * (1 + rk)) / (1 + self.r0 + rk * x)) def g_inv(x): return np.maximum(0, (x * (1 + self.r0) - self.r0) / (1 + rk * (1 - x))) elif self._name == 'clin': # capped linear, needs shape > 1 to make sense...needs shape >= 1-r0 else # problems at 1 sl = self.shape self.has_mass = (r0 > 0) self.mass = r0 def g(x): return np.where(x == 0, 0, np.minimum(1, self.r0 + sl * x)) def g_inv(x): return np.where(x <= self.r0, 0, (x - self.r0) / sl) elif self._name == 'roe' or self._name == 'ccoc': # constant roe = capped linear with shape = 1/(1+r), r0=r/(1+r) # r = target roe self._name = 'ccoc' r = self.shape v = 1 / (1 + r) d = 1 - v self.has_mass = (d > 0) self.mass = d def g(x): return np.where(x == 0, 0, np.minimum(1, d + v * x)) def g_inv(x): return np.where(x <= d, 0, (x - d) / v) def g_prime(x): return v elif self._name == 'lep': # leverage equivalent pricing # self.r0 = risk free/financing and r = risk charge (the solved parameter) r = self.shape delta = r / (1 + r) d = self.r0 / (1 + self.r0) spread = delta - d self.has_mass = (d > 0) self.mass = d def g(x): return np.where(x == 0, 0, np.minimum(1, d + (1 - d) * x + spread * np.sqrt(x * (1 - x)))) spread2 = spread ** 2 a = (1 - d) ** 2 + spread2 def g_inv(y): mb = (2 * (y - d) * (1 - d) + spread2) # mb = -b c = (y - d) ** 2 rad = np.sqrt(mb * mb - 4 * a * c) # l = (mb + rad)/(2 * a) u = (mb - rad) / (2 * a) return np.where(y < d, 0, np.maximum(0, u)) elif self._name == 'dual': # dual moment p = self.shape q = 1 / p self.has_mass = False def g(x): return 1 - (1 - x)**p def g_inv(y): return 1 - (1 - y)**q def g_prime(x): return p * (1 - x)**(p - 1) elif self._name == 'wtdtvar' or self._name == 'bitvar': # weighted tvar, df = p0 <p1, shape = weight on p1 try: p0, p1 = df assert p0 < p1 w = shape self.has_mass = (p1 == 1) self.mass = w if p1 == 1 else 0 pt = (1 - p1) / (1 - p0) * (1 - w) + w s = np.array([0., 1-p1, 1-p0, 1.]) gs = np.array([0., pt, 1., 1.]) g = interp1d(s, gs, kind='linear') g_inv = interp1d(gs, s, kind='linear') if p1 < 1: def g_prime(x): return np.where(x > 1 - p0, 0, np.where(x < 1 - p1, w / (1 - p1) + (1 - w) / (1 - p0), (1 - w) / (1 - p0))) else: # p1==1, don't want 1/(1-p1) def g_prime(x): return np.where(x > 1 - p0, 0, (1 - w) / (1 - p0)) except: raise ValueError('Inadmissible parameters to Distortion for wtdtvar. ' 'Pass shape=wt for p1 and df=[p0, p1]') elif self._name == 'convex': # convex envelope and general interpolation # NOT ALLOWED to have a mass... self.has_mass = False # use shape for number of points in calibrating data set self.shape = f'on {len(df):d} points' if not (0 in df[col_x].values and 1 in df[col_x].values): # painful...always want 0 and 1 there...but don't know what other columns in df # logger.debug('df does not contain s=0/1...adding') df = df[[col_x, col_y]].copy().reset_index(drop=True) df.loc[len(df)] = (0,0) df.loc[len(df)] = (1,1) df = df.sort_values(col_x) if len(df) > 2: hull = ConvexHull(df[[col_x, col_y]]) knots = list(set(hull.simplices.flatten())) g = interp1d(df.iloc[knots, df.columns.get_loc(col_x)], df.iloc[knots, df.columns.get_loc(col_y)], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=(0,1)) g_inv = interp1d(df.iloc[knots, df.columns.get_loc(col_y)], df.iloc[knots, df.columns.get_loc(col_x)], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=(0,1)) else: df = df.sort_values(col_x) g = interp1d(df[col_x], df[col_y], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=(0,1)) g_inv = interp1d(df[col_y], df[col_x], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=(0,1)) else: raise ValueError( "Incorrect spec passed to Distortion; implemented g types are ph, wang, tvar, " "ly (linear yield), lep (layer equivalent pricing) and clin (clipped linear)") self.g = g self.g_inv = g_inv if g_prime is None: g_prime = lambda x: (g(x + 1e-6) - g(x - 1e-6)) / 2e-6 self.g_prime = g_prime
[docs] def g_dual(self, x): """ The dual of the distortion function g. """ return 1 - self.g(1 - x)
def __str__(self): if self.display_name != '': s = self.display_name return s elif isinstance(self.shape, str): s = f'{self._distortion_names_.get(self._name, self._name)}, {self.shape}' else: s = f'{self._distortion_names_.get(self._name, self._name)}, {self.shape:.3f}' if self._name == 'tt': s += f', {self.df:.2f}' if self._name == 'wtdtvar': s += f', ({self.df[0]:.3f}/{self.df[1]:.3f})' elif self.has_mass: # don't show the mass for wtdtvar s += f', mass {self.mass:.3f}' return s def __repr__(self): s = f'{} ({self.shape}' if self.has_mass: s += f', {self.r0})' elif self._name == 'tt': s += f', {self.df:.2f})' else: s += ')' return s @property def name(self): return self.display_name if self.display_name != '' else self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self._name = value
[docs] def plot(self, xs=None, n=101, both=True, ax=None, plot_points=True, scale='linear', c=None, size='small', **kwargs): """ Quick plot of the distortion :param xs: :param n: length of vector is no xs :param both: True: plot g and ginv and add decorations, if False just g and no trimmings :param ax: :param plot_points: :param scale: linear as usual or return plots -log(gs) vs -logs and inverts both scales :param size: 'small' or 'large' for size of plot, FIG_H or FIG_W. The default is 'small'. :param kwargs: passed to matplotlib.plot :return: """ assert scale in ['linear', 'return'] if scale == 'return' and n == 101: # default not enough for return n = 10001 if xs is None: xs = np.linspace(0, 1, n) y1 = self.g(xs) if both: y2 = self.g_dual(xs) if ax is None: sz = FIG_H if size=='small' else FIG_W fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(sz, sz), constrained_layout=True) if scale == 'linear': ax.plot(xs, y1, c='C1', label='$g$', **kwargs) if both: ax.plot(xs, y2, c='C2', label='$g\check$', **kwargs) ax.plot(xs, xs, color='C0') # ax.plot(xs, xs, lw=0.5, color='C0', alpha=0.5) elif scale == 'return': ax.plot(xs, y1, c='C1', label='$g$', **kwargs) if both: ax.plot(xs, y2, c='C2', label='$g\check$', **kwargs) ax.set(xscale='log', yscale='log', xlim=[1/5000, 1], ylim=[1/5000, 1]) ax.plot(xs, xs, color='C0') if self._name == 'convex' and plot_points: if len(self.df) > 50: alpha = .35 elif len(self.df) > 20: alpha = 0.6 else: alpha = 1 if c is None: c = 'C4' if scale == 'linear': ax.scatter(x=self.df[self.col_x], y=self.df[self.col_y], marker='.', s=15, color=c, alpha=alpha) elif scale == 'return': ax.scatter(x=1/self.df[self.col_x], y=1/self.df[self.col_y], marker='.', s=15, color=c, alpha=alpha) ax.set(title=fill(str(self), 20), aspect='equal'); if both: ax.legend() return ax
[docs] @classmethod def test(cls, r0=0.035, df=[0.0, .9]): """ Tester: make some nice plots of available distortions. :return: """ f0, axs0 = plt.subplots(2, 11, figsize=(22, 4), constrained_layout=True, sharex=True, sharey=True) f1, axs1 = plt.subplots(2, 11, figsize=(22, 4), constrained_layout=True, sharex=True, sharey=True) axiter0 = iter(axs0.flat) axiter1 = iter(axs1.flat) xs = np.linspace(0, 1, 1001) # zip stops at the shorter of the vectors, so this does not include convex (must be listed last) # added df for the t; everyone else can ignore it # rank by order on large lsoses... for axiter, scale in zip([axiter0, axiter1], ['linear', 'return']): for name, shape in zip(cls._available_distortions_, cls._eg_param_1_): dist = Distortion(name, shape, r0, df=df) dist.plot(xs, ax=next(axiter), scale=scale) dist = Distortion.convex_example('bond') dist.plot(xs, ax=next(axiter), scale=scale) # order will look better like this for name, shape in zip(cls._available_distortions_, cls._eg_param_2_): dist = Distortion(name, shape, r0, df=df) dist.plot(xs, ax=next(axiter), scale=scale) dist = Distortion.convex_example('cat') dist.plot(xs, ax=next(axiter), scale=scale) # tidy up for ax in axiter0: f0.delaxes(ax) for ax in axiter1: f1.delaxes(ax) f0.suptitle('Example Distortion Functions - Linear Scale') f1.suptitle('Example Distortion Functions - Return Scale')
[docs] @staticmethod def distortions_from_params(params, index, r0=0.025, df=5.5, pricing=True, strict=True): """ Make set of dist funs and inverses from params, output of port.calibrate_distortions. params must just have one row for each method and be in the output format of cal_dist. Called by Portfolio. :param index: :param params: dataframe such that params[index, :] has a [lep, param] etc. pricing=True, strict=True: which distortions to allow df for t distribution :param r0: min rol parameters :param strict: :param pricing: :return: """ temp = params.loc[index, :] dists = {} for dn in Distortion.available_distortions(pricing=pricing, strict=strict): param = float(temp.loc[dn, 'param']) dists[dn] = Distortion(name=dn, shape=param, r0=r0, df=df) return dists
[docs] @staticmethod def convex_example(source='bond'): """ Example convex distortion using data from :param source: bond gives a bond yield curve example, cat gives cat bond / cat reinsurance pricing based example :return: """ if source == 'bond': yield_curve = ''' AAAA 0.000000 0.000000 AAA 0.000018 0.006386 AA 0.000144 0.007122 A 0.000278 0.010291 BBB 0.002012 0.017089 BB 0.012674 0.036455 B 0.040052 0.069181 Z 1.000000 1.000000''' df = pd.read_fwf(StringIO(yield_curve)) df.columns = ['Rating', 'EL', 'Yield'] return Distortion('convex', 'Yield Curve', df=df, col_x='EL', col_y='Yield') elif source.lower() == 'cat': cat_bond = '''EL,ROL 0.116196,0.32613 0.088113,0.2452 0.074811,0.22769 0.056385,0.17131 0.046923,0.15326 0.032961,0.12222 0.02807,0.11037 0.024205,0.1022 0.011564,0.07284 0.005813,0.06004 0,0 1,1''' df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(cat_bond)) return Distortion('convex', 'Cat Bond', df=df, col_x='EL', col_y='ROL') else: raise ValueError(f'Inadmissible value {source} passed to convex_example, expected yield or cat')
[docs] @staticmethod def bagged_distortion(data, proportion, samples, display_name=""): """ Make a distortion by bootstrap aggregation (Bagging) resampling, taking the convex envelope, and averaging from data. Each sample uses proportion of the data. Data must have two columns: EL and Spread :param data: :param proportion: proportion of data for each sample :param samples: number of resamples :param display_name: display_name of created distortion :return: """ df = pd.DataFrame(index=np.linspace(0,1,10001), dtype=float) for i in range(samples): rebit = data.sample(frac=proportion, replace=False, random_state=RANDOM) rebit.loc[-1] = [0, 0] rebit.loc[max(rebit.index)+1] = [1, 1] d = Distortion('convex', 0, df=rebit, col_x='EL', col_y='Spread') df[i] = d.g(df.index) df['avg'] = df.mean(axis=1) df2 =df['avg'].copy() = 's' df2 = df2.reset_index(drop=False) d = Distortion('convex', 0, df=df2, col_x='s', col_y='avg', display_name=display_name) return d
[docs] @staticmethod def average_distortion(data, display_name, n=201, el_col='EL', spread_col='Spread'): """ Create average distortion from (s, g(s)) pairs. Each point defines a wtdTVaR with p=s and p=1 points. :param data: :param display_name: :param n: number of s values (between 0 and max(EL), 1 is added :param el_col: column containing EL :param spread_col: column containing Spread :return: """ els = data[el_col] spreads = data[spread_col] max_el = els.max() s = np.hstack((np.linspace(0, max_el, n), 1)) ans = np.zeros((len(s), len(data))) for i, el, spread in zip(range(len(data)), els, spreads): p = 1 - el w = (spread - el) / (1 - el) d = Distortion('wtdtvar', w, df=[0,p]) ans[:, i] = d.g(s) df = pd.DataFrame({'s': s, 'gs': np.mean(ans, 1)}) dout = Distortion('convex', None, df=df, col_x='s', col_y='gs', display_name=display_name) return dout
[docs] @staticmethod def wtd_tvar(ps, wts, display_name='', details=False): """ A careful version of wtd tvar with knots at ps and wts. :param ps: :param wts: :param display_name: :param details: :return: """ # evaluate at 0, 1 and all the knot points ps0 = np.array(ps) s = np.array(sorted(set((0.,1.)).union(1-ps0))) s = s.reshape(len(s), 1) wts = np.array(wts).reshape(len(wts), 1) if np.sum(wts) != 1: wts = wts / np.sum(wts) ps = np.array(ps).reshape(1, len(ps)) gs = np.where(ps == 1, 1, np.minimum(s / (1 - ps), 1)) @ wts d = Distortion.s_gs_distortion(s, gs, display_name) if details: return d, s, gs else: return d
[docs] @staticmethod def s_gs_distortion(s, gs, display_name=''): """ Make a convex envelope distortion from {s, g(s)} points. :param s: iterable (can be converted into numpy.array :param gs: :param display_name: :return: """ s = np.array(s) gs = np.array(gs) return Distortion('convex', None, df=pd.DataFrame({'s': s.flat, 'gs': gs.flat}), col_x='s', col_y='gs', display_name=display_name)
[docs] def price(self, ser, a=np.inf, kind='ask', S_calculation='forwards'): r""" Compute the bid and ask prices for the distribution determined by ``ser`` with an asset limit ``a``. Index of ``ser`` need not be equally spaced, so it can be applied to :math:`\kappa`. To do this for unit A in portfolio port:: ser = port.density_df[['exeqa_A', 'p_total']].\ set_index('exeqa_A').groupby('exeqa_A').\ sum()['p_total'] dist.price(ser, port.q(0.99), 'both') Always use ``S_calculation='forwards`` method to compute S = 1 - cumsum(probs). Computes the price as the integral of gS. :param ser: pd.Series of is probabilities, indexed by outcomes. Outcomes need not be spaced evenly. ``ser`` is usually a probability column from ``density_df``. :param kind: is "ask", "bid", or "both", giving the pricing view. :param a: asset level. ``ser`` is truncated at ``a``. """ if not isinstance(ser, pd.Series): raise ValueError(f'ser must be a pandas Series, not {type(ser)}') if kind in ['bid', 'ask']: pass elif kind == 'both': return [*self.price(ser, a, 'bid', S_calculation), self.price(ser, a, 'ask', S_calculation)[0]] else: raise ValueError(f'kind must be bid, ask, or both, not {kind}') # apply limit if a < np.inf: # ser = ser.copy() # tail = ser[a:].sum() ser = ser[:a] # ser[a] = tail # unlikely to be an issue ser = ser.sort_index(ascending=True) if S_calculation == 'forwards': S = 1 - ser.cumsum() S = np.maximum(0, S) else: fill_value = max(0, 1 - ser.sum()) S = np.minimum(1, fill_value + ser.shift(-1, fill_value=0)[::-1].cumsum()[::-1]) # not all distortions return numpy; force conversion if kind == 'ask': gS = np.array(self.g(S)) else: gS = np.array(self.g_dual(S)) # trapz is not correct with our interpretation elsewhere; we use a step function # loss = np.trapz(S, S.index) # prem = np.trapz(gS, S.index) dx = np.diff(S.index) loss = (S.iloc[:-1].values * dx).sum() prem = (gS[:-1] * dx).sum() return prem, loss
[docs] def price2(self, ser, a=None, S_calculation='forwards'): r""" Compute the bid and ask prices for the distribution determined by ``ser`` with an asset limits given by values of ``ser``. Index of ``ser`` need not be equally spaced, so it can be applied to :math:`\kappa`. To do this for unit A in portfolio ``port``:: ser = port.density_df[['exeqa_A', 'p_total']].\ set_index('exeqa_A').groupby('exeqa_A').\ sum()['p_total'] dist.price(ser, port.q(0.99)) :param ser: pd.Series of is probabilities, indexed by outcomes. Outcomes must be spaced evenly. ``ser`` is usually a probability column from ``density_df``. """ if not isinstance(ser, pd.Series): raise ValueError(f'ser must be a pandas Series, not {type(ser)}') if S_calculation == 'forwards': S = 1 - ser.cumsum() S = np.maximum(0, S) else: fill_value = max(0, 1 - ser.sum()) S = np.minimum(1, fill_value + ser.shift(-1, fill_value=0)[::-1].cumsum()[::-1]) # not all distortions return numpy; force conversion gS = np.array(self.g(S)) dgS = np.array(self.g_dual(S)) dx = np.diff(S.index) loss = (S.iloc[:-1].values * dx).cumsum() ask = (gS[:-1] * dx).cumsum() bid = (dgS[:-1] * dx).cumsum() # index is shifted by 1 because it is the right hand range of integration ans = pd.DataFrame({'bid': bid, 'el': loss, 'ask': ask}, index=S.index[1:]) if a is None: return ans else: # no longer guaranteed that a is in ser.index return ans.iloc[ans.index.get_indexer([a], method='nearest')]
[docs]def approx_ccoc(roe, eps=1e-14, display_name=None): """ Create a continuous approximation to the CCoC distortion with return roe. Helpful utility function for creating a distortion. :param roe: return on equity :param eps: small number to avoid mass at zero """ return Distortion('bitvar', roe/(1 + roe), df=[0, 1-eps], display_name=f'aCCoC {roe:.2%}' if display_name is None else display_name )
[docs]def tvar_weights(d): """ Return tvar weight function for a distortion d. Use np.gradient to differentiate g' but adjust for certain distortions. The returned function expects a numpy array of p values. :param: d distortion """ shape = d.shape r0 = d.r0 nm = if nm.lower().find('ccoc') >= 0: nm = 'ccoc' v = shape def wf(p): return np.where(p==0, 1 - v, # use nan to try and distinguish mass from density np.where(p == 1, v, np.nan)) elif nm == 'ph': # this is easy, do by hand def wf(p): return np.where( p==1, shape, # really a mass! -shape * (shape - 1) * (1 - p) ** (shape - 1) ) elif nm == 'tvar': def wf(p): # something that will plot reasonably dp = p[1] - p[0] return np.where(np.abs(p - shape) < dp, 1, 0) else: # numerical approximation def wf(p): gprime = d.g_prime(1 - p) wt = (1 - p) * np.gradient(gprime, p) return wt # adjust for endpoints in certain situations (where is a mass at 0 or a kink # s=1 (slope approaching s=1 is > 0) if nm == 'wang': pass elif nm == 'dual': pass return wf #noqa