4. Dec Language Reference

This section describes how a DecL program is pre-processed, lexed, and parsed according to the grammar specification. It reports the results of interpreting the builtin test suite of programs.

The DecL introduction describes its design and purpose.

4.1. Pre-Processing

Programs are processed one line at a time. Before passing to the lexer, the following pre-processing occurs.

  1. Remove Python and C++ style # or // comments, through end of line

  2. Remove \n in [ ] (vectors) that appear from using f'{np.linspace(...)}'

  3. Map semicolons to newline

  4. Map backslash newline (Python line continuations) to space

  5. Replace \n\t with space, to support the tabbed indented Portfolio layout

  6. Split on remaining newlines

4.2. Lexer Term Definitions

Ignored characters: tab (remaining after pre-processing), colon, comma, and pipe. These characters can be used to improve readability.

Aggregate names must not include underscore. Portfolio names may include underscore. Names can include a period, A.Basic.01.

          SEV, AGG, PORT,
          XS, PICKS,
          AND,  PERCENT,
          EXPONENT, EXP,
          DFREQ, DSEV, RANGE

ignore = ' \t,\\|'
literals = {'[', ']', '!', '(', ')'}
NOTE = r'note\{[^\}]*\}'  # r'[^\}]+'
BUILTIN_AGG = r'agg\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._:~]*'
BUILTIN_SEV = r'sev\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._:~]*'
FREQ = 'binomial|pascal|poisson|bernoulli|geometric|fixed|neyman(a|A)?|logarithmic'
DISTORTION = 'dist(ortion)?'
NUMBER = r'\-?(\d+\.?\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE](\+|\-)?\d+)?'
ID = r'[a-zA-Z][\.:~_a-zA-Z0-9]*'
EXPONENT = r'\^|\*\*'
PLUS = r'\+'
MINUS = r'\-'
TIMES = r'\*'
DIVIDE = '/'
RANGE = ':'

ID['occurrence'] = OCCURRENCE
ID['unlimited'] = INFINITY
ID['aggregate'] = AGGREGATE
ID['exposure'] = EXPOSURE
ID['tweedie'] = TWEEDIE
ID['premium'] = PREMIUM
ID['tower'] = TOWER
ID['mixed'] = MIXED
ID['unlim'] = INFINITY
ID['picks'] = PICKS
ID['prem'] = PREMIUM
ID['claims'] = CLAIMS
ID['ceded'] = CEDED
ID['claim'] = CLAIMS
ID['dfreq'] = DFREQ
ID['dsev'] = DSEV
ID['loss'] = LOSS
ID['port'] = PORT
ID['rate'] = RATE
ID['net'] = NET
ID['sev'] = SEV
ID['agg'] = AGG
ID['xps'] = XPS
ID['wts'] = WEIGHTS
ID['inf'] = INFINITY
ID['and'] = AND
ID['exp'] = EXP
ID['wt'] = WEIGHTS
ID['at'] = AT
ID['cv'] = CV
ID['lr'] = LR
ID['xs'] = XS
ID['of'] = OF
ID['to'] = TO
ID['po'] = PART_OF
ID['so'] = SHARE_OF
ID['zm'] = ZM
ID['zt'] = ZT
ID['x'] = XS

4.3. Dec Language Grammar Specification

Here is the full DecL Grammar and a grammar railroad diagram.

answer              	::= agg_out
                    	 | port_out
                    	 | distortion_out
                    	 | expr

distortion_out      	::= DISTORTION name ID expr
                    	 | DISTORTION name ID expr "[" numberl "]"

port_out            	::= PORT name note agg_list

agg_list            	::= agg_list agg_out
                    	 | agg_out

agg_out             	::= AGG name exposures layers sev_clause occ_reins freq agg_reins note
                    	 | AGG name dfreq layers sev_clause occ_reins agg_reins note
                    	 | AGG name TWEEDIE expr expr expr note
                    	 | AGG name builtin_agg occ_reins agg_reins note
                    	 | builtin_agg agg_reins note

sev_out             	::= SEV name sev note
                    	 | SEV name dsev note

freq                	::= freq ZM expr
                    	 | freq ZT
                    	 | MIXED ID expr expr
                    	 | MIXED ID expr
                    	 | FREQ expr expr
                    	 | FREQ expr
                    	 | FREQ

agg_reins           	::= AGGREGATE NET OF reins_list
                    	 | AGGREGATE CEDED TO reins_list
                    	 |  %prec LOW

occ_reins           	::= OCCURRENCE NET OF reins_list
                    	 | OCCURRENCE CEDED TO reins_list

reins_list          	::= reins_list AND reins_clause
                    	 | reins_clause
                    	 | tower

reins_clause        	::= expr XS expr
                    	 | expr SHARE_OF expr XS expr
                    	 | expr PART_OF expr XS expr

sev_clause          	::= SEV sev
                    	 | dsev
                    	 | BUILTIN_SEV

sev                 	::= sev picks
                    	 | sev "!"
                    	 | sev2 weights splice
                    	 | BUILTIN_SEV

dsev                	::= dsev "!"
                    	 | DSEV doutcomes dprobs

sev2                	::= sev1 PLUS numbers
                    	 | sev1 MINUS numbers
                    	 | sev1

sev1                	::= numbers TIMES sev0
                    	 | sev0

sev0                	::= ids numbers CV numbers
                    	 | ids numbers numbers
                    	 | ids numbers
                    	 | ids xps
                    	 | ids

xps                 	::= XPS doutcomes dprobs

dfreq               	::= DFREQ doutcomes dprobs

picks               	::= PICKS "[" numberl "]" "[" numberl "]"

doutcomes           	::= "[" numberl "]"
                    	 | "[" expr RANGE expr "]"
                    	 | "[" expr RANGE expr RANGE expr "]"

dprobs              	::= "[" numberl "]"

weights             	::= WEIGHTS EQUAL_WEIGHT expr
                    	 | WEIGHTS "[" numberl "]"

splice              	::= SPLICE "[" numberl "]"

layers              	::= numbers XS numbers
                    	 | tower

tower               	::= TOWER doutcomes

note                	::= NOTE
                    	 |  %prec LOW

exposures           	::= numbers CLAIMS
                    	 | numbers LOSS
                    	 | numbers PREMIUM AT numbers LR
                    	 | numbers EXPOSURE AT numbers RATE

ids                 	::= "[" idl "]"
                    	 | ID

idl                 	::= idl ID
                    	 | ID

builtin_agg         	::= expr INHOMOG_MULTIPLY builtin_agg
                    	 | expr TIMES builtin_agg
                    	 | builtin_agg PLUS expr
                    	 | builtin_agg MINUS expr
                    	 | BUILTIN_AGG

name                	::= ID

numbers             	::= "[" numberl "]"
                    	 | "[" expr RANGE expr "]"
                    	 | "[" expr RANGE expr RANGE expr "]"
                    	 | expr

numberl             	::= numberl expr
                    	 | expr

expr                	::= atom

atom                	::= atom DIVIDE atom
                    	 | "(" atom ")"
                    	 | EXP atom
                    	 | atom EXPONENT atom
                    	 | NUMBER

FREQ                    ::= 'binomial|poisson|bernoulli|pascal|geometric|neymana?|fixed|logarithmic|negbin'

BUILTINID               ::= 'sev|agg|port|meta.ID'

NOTE                    ::= 'note{TEXT}'

EQUAL_WEIGHT            ::= "="

AGG                     ::= 'agg'

AGGREGATE               ::= 'aggregate'

AND                     ::= 'and'

AT                      ::= 'at'

CEDED                   ::= 'ceded'

CLAIMS                  ::= 'claims|claim'

CONSTANT                ::= 'constant'

CV                      ::= 'cv'

DFREQ                   ::= 'dfreq'

DSEV                    ::= 'dsev'

EXP                     ::= 'exp'

EXPONENT                ::= '^|**'

INHOMOG_MULTIPLY        ::= "@"

INFINITY                ::= 'inf|unlim|unlimited'

LOSS                    ::= 'loss'

LR                      ::= 'lr'

MIXED                   ::= 'mixed'

NET                     ::= 'net'

OCCURRENCE              ::= 'occurrence'

OF                      ::= 'of'

PART_OF                 ::= 'po'

PERCENT                 ::= '%'

PORT                    ::= 'port'

PREMIUM                 ::= 'premium|prem'

SEV                     ::= 'sev'

SHARE_OF                ::= 'so'

TO                      ::= 'to'

WEIGHTS                 ::= 'wts|wt'

XPS                     ::= 'xps'

XS                      ::= "xs|x"

4.4. Test Suite Programs

To run the test suite for HTML output, svg graphics.

from aggregate.extensions.test_suite import TestSuite
TestSuite().run('^[A-KNO]', 'All Aggregate Tests', 'svg')
# Test Suite Examples
# ===================

# Comprehensive list of examples to test the parser and creation logic.

# Contents
# A. Creating Aggregates, Portfolios, and Distortion objects
# B. Basic examples using dfreq and dsev notation, including dice examples
# C. Frequency only fixed sev
# D. Severity only, fixed freq, different distributions
# E. Severity transformations: shift, scale, layer, and attachment, unconditional severities
# F. Specifying exposure
# G. Mixed severities
# H. Limit profiles
# I. Limit profiles with mixed severities
# J. Reinsurance
# K. Tweedie distribution examples
# L. Examples from papers
# M. Case Studies from Pricing Insurance Risk book
# N. Proxies for US Lines
# O. Novelties (the logo mixed distribution)

# Default severity used in many other examples
sev One dsev [1]

# Guides examples
# ===============

# Simple Dice Examples
# =====================
agg A.Dice00 dfreq [1:6] dsev [1]                   note{The roll of a single dice.}
agg A.Dice01 dfreq [1]   dsev [1:6]                 note{Same as previous example.}
agg A.Dice02 dfreq [2]   dsev [1:6]                 note{Sum of the rolls of two dice.}
agg A.Dice03 dfreq [5]   dsev [1:6]                 note{Sum of the rolls of five dice.}
agg A.Dice04 dfreq [1:6] dsev [1:6]                 note{Sum of a dice roll of dice rolls}
agg A.Dice05 dfreq [1:4] dsev [1:16]                note{Something you can't do easily by hand}

# Basic examples using freq and dsev notation
# ===========================================
agg B.Basic01 dfreq [1] dsev [0 1]                                  note{toss of a single coin}
agg B.Basic02 dfreq [12] dsev [0 1]                                 note{toss of 12 single coins}
agg B.Basic03 dfreq [1:3] dsev [1 2 10]                             note{1, 2 or 3 claims using range notation, sev 1, 2, 10 all equally likely}
agg B.Basic03 dfreq [1:11:2] dsev [1 2 10]                          note{1 3...11 claims range and step, sev 1, 2, 10 all equally likely}
agg B.Basic04 dfreq [1 2 3] [.5 1/4 1/4] dsev [1 2 10]              note{specify probabilities of claims}
agg B.Basic05 dfreq [1:3]   dsev [1 2 10] [.4 .4 .2]                note{specify probabilities of sev}
agg B.Basic06 dfreq [1:3] [.5 1/4 1/4] dsev [1 2 10] [.4 .4 .2]     note{specify both probabilities }
agg B.Basic07 dfreq [0 1 2] [.5 .3 .2] sev sev.One
agg B.Basic08 dfreq [0 1 2] [.5 .3 .2] sev.One
agg B.Basic09 dfreq [0 1 2] [.5 .3 .2] sev lognorm 10 cv .3

# Frequency only, fixed severity
# ==============================
# Using the usual exposure-based frequency clause
agg Ca.Freq01.Fixed        10 claims sev.One fixed
agg Ca.Freq02.Poisson      10 claims sev.One poisson
agg Ca.Freq03.Bernoulli    .8 claims sev.One bernoulli
agg Ca.Freq04.Binomial     10 claims sev.One binomial 0.5
agg Ca.Freq05.Geometric    10 claims sev.One geometric
agg Ca.Freq06.Pascal       10 claims sev.One pascal .8 3
agg Ca.Freq07.NegBin       10 claims sev.One negbin 3               note{shape paramter equals variance multiplier}
agg Ca.Freq08.Logarithmic  10 claims sev.One logarithmic
agg Ca.Freq09.NeymanA      10 claims sev.One neymana 3              note{shape paramter number of eggs per cluster}
# Mixing distributions
agg Cb.Freq10.NegBin       10 claims sev.One mixed gamma 0.65       note{shape paramter equals variance of mixing distribution}
agg Cb.Freq11.Delaporte    10 claims sev.One mixed delaporte .65 .25
agg Cb.Freq12.IG           10 claims sev.One mixed ig .65
agg Cb.Freq13.SIG          10 claims sev.One mixed sig 0.5 0.4
agg Cb.Freq14.Sichel       10 claims sev.One mixed delaporte .65 -0.25
agg Cb.Freq15.Sichel.gamma 10 claims sev.One mixed sichel.gamma .65 .25
agg Cb.Freq16.Sichel.ig    10 claims sev.One mixed sichel.ig .65 .25
agg Cb.Freq17.Beta         10 claims sev.One mixed beta .5 4
# ZM and ZT distributions, note alternative way to specify fixed severity
agg Cc.Freq20.Poisson     4 claims dsev [1] poisson zt
agg Cc.Freq21.Poisson     4 claims dsev [1] poisson zm .5
agg Cc.Freq22.Geometric   4 claims dsev [1] geometric zm .5        note{pr(N=0)=1, there is no zt version}
agg Cc.Freq23.Logarithmic 4 claims dsev [1] logarithmic zm .5      note{pr(N=0)=1, there is no zt version}
agg Cc.Freq24.Binomial    4 claims dsev [1] binomial 0.6 zm .5     note{Cannot make p0 smaller than the natural p}
agg Cc.Freq25.Negbin      4 claims dsev [1] negbin 3 zm .5         note{Limits on p0}

# Severity only, fixed freq, different distributions
# ==================================================
# zero parameter
agg D.Sev01 1 claim sev 100 * expon        fixed                    note{zero param severity can look odd, but it works}
agg D.Sev02 1 claim sev 100 * expon 1 + 10 fixed
agg D.Sev03 1 claim sev 100 * expon   + 10 fixed                    note{will this work?}
agg D.Sev04 1 claim sev 100 * norm    +500 fixed
agg D.Sev05 1 claim sev 100 * uniform + 50 fixed
agg D.Sev05b 2 claims sev 100*uniform + 50 fixed
# one parameter
agg D.Sev06 1 claim sev 10 * gamma 0.3      fixed
agg D.Sev07 1 claim sev      gamma 12 cv .3 fixed
agg D.Sev08 1 claim sev      lognorm 50 cv .3 fixed
agg D.Sev09 1 claim sev 50/exp(.3**2/2) * lognorm .3 fixed          note{mean equals 50 and cv is slightly higher than .3}
agg D.Sev10 1 claim sev 100 * invgamma 4.07 fixed                   note{remember must set scale or mean}
agg D.Sev11 1 claim sev 100 * weibull_min 1.5 fixed
agg D.Sev12 1 claim sev invgauss 10 cv .5 fixed
agg D.Sev13 1 claim sev 10 * pareto 2.6  + -10 fixed                note{entering Pareto is awkward}
# two parameter distributions
agg D.Sev14 1 claim sev 50 * beta    3 2 + 10 fixed
# empirical severities, continuous and discrete
agg D.Sev15 1   claim  sev  dhistogram xps [1 10 40] [.5 .3 .2] fixed  note{old notation}
agg D.Sev16 dfreq [1] dsev [1 10 40] [.5 .3 .2]                        note{preferred new notation}
agg D.Sev17 1   claim  sev chistogram xps [1 10 40] [.5 .3 .2] fixed   note{continuous version}

# Severity transformations: shift, scale, layer, and attachment, unconditional severities
# =======================================================================================
agg E.TSev00  1 claim sev      lognorm 10 cv .09 fixed
agg E.TSev01  1 claim sev 10 * lognorm 10 cv .09 fixed
agg E.TSev02  1 claim sev      lognorm 10 cv .09 + 20 fixed
agg E.TSev03  1 claim sev 10 * lognorm 10 cv .09 + 20 fixed
# here, enter shape parameter directly rather than use mean and CV
agg E.TSev04  1 claim sev 9.559974818331 * lognorm .3 fixed
agg E.TSev05  1 claim sev 9.559974818331 * lognorm .3 + 5 fixed
# with layer and attachments
agg E.TSev06  1 claim 130 xs 20 sev      lognorm 20 cv 0.75     fixed
agg E.TSev07  1 claim 130 xs 20 sev 20 * lognorm 0.75           fixed
agg E.TSev08  1 claim 130 xs 20 sev 20 * lognorm 1 cv 0.75      fixed
agg E.TSev09  1 claim 130 xs 20 sev 20 * lognorm 1 cv 0.75 + 20 fixed
# ground up and unlimited
agg E.TSev10 10 claims           sev lognorm 10 cv 0.8 poisson
agg E.TSev11 10 claims  30 xs  0 sev lognorm 10 cv 0.8 poisson
agg E.TSev12 10 claims 100 xs 10 sev lognorm 10 cv 0.8 poisson
agg E.TSev13 10 claims inf xs  0 sev lognorm 10 cv 0.8 poisson
agg E.TSev14 10 claims inf xs 10 sev lognorm 10 cv 0.8 poisson
# unconditional severity
agg E.TSev15 5 claims 200 xs  0 sev 1.2343e2 * lognorm 2    poisson          note{conditional severity}
agg E.TSev16 5 claims 200 xs  0 sev 1.2343e2 * lognorm 2  ! poisson          note{unconditional severity}
agg E.TSev17 5 claims 200 xs 10 sev 1.2343e2 * lognorm 2    poisson          note{conditional severity}
agg E.TSev18 5 claims 200 xs 10 sev 1.2343e2 * lognorm 2  ! poisson          note{unconditional severity}

# Specifying exposure
# ===================
agg F.Expos01   10 claims         sev lognorm 50 cv 0.8 poisson    note{specify number of claims}
agg F.Expos02  500 loss           sev lognorm 50 cv 0.8 poisson    note{specify expected loss, derive number of claims}
agg F.Expos03 1000 prem at .5 lr  sev lognorm 50 cv 0.8 poisson    note{specify premium and loss ratio, derive number of claims}

# Mixed and Spliced severities
# ============================
agg G.Mixed00  1  claim  50 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv [0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0] wts [.2 .3 .3 .15 .05]             poisson            note{no shared mixing}
agg G.Mixed01  1  claim  50 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv [0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0] wts [.2 .3 .3 .15 .05]             mixed gamma 0.3    note{shared mixing, compare audit and report dfs}
agg G.Mixed02  1  claim  50 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv [0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0] wts=5                              mixed gamma 0.3
agg G.Mixed03  1  claim  50 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv [0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0]                                    mixed gamma 0.3
agg G.Mixed04  1  claim  50 xs 0 sev lognorm [2 4 6 8 10] cv 1           wts [.2 .3 .3 .15 .05]             mixed gamma 0.3
agg G.Mixed05  1  claim 250 xs 0 sev lognorm [10 15 20 25 50 100] cv [0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0] wts=6        mixed gamma 0.3
agg G.Mixed07  1  claim          sev 100               *  beta [1 200 500 100] [100 800 500 1] + 10  wts=4  mixed gamma 0.3
agg G.Mixed08  1  claim          sev [100 200 250 300] *  beta [1 200 500 100] [100 800 500 1] + 10  wts=4  mixed gamma 0.3
agg G.Mixed09  8  claim          sev      100 * [lognorm expon] [.5 1] wts [0.6 .4]                         mixed gamma 0.3    note{different severities}
agg G.Mixed10  1  claim          sev [50 100] * [lognorm expon]  [2 1]  + 10 wts=2                          mixed gamma 0.3
agg G.Mixed11  1  claim          sev [50 100] * [lognorm expon]  [2 1]  + 10                                mixed gamma 0.3

# Limit profiles
# ==============
agg H.Limits01               1 claim [1 5 10 20] xs  0              sev lognorm 10 cv 1.2  fixed
agg H.Limits02               5 claim            100 xs [0 10 50]    sev lognorm 10 cv 1.2  fixed
agg H.Limits02               5 claim [10 20 50 100] xs [0 0 50 100] sev lognorm 10 cv 2.0  fixed
agg H.Limits03   [10 10 10 10] claims [inf 10 inf 10] xs [0 0 5 5]  sev lognorm 10 cv 1.25 fixed

# Limit profiles with mixed severities
# ====================================
agg I.Blend01  10 claims [5 10 15] xs 0                 sev lognorm 12 cv [1 1.5 3]                 poisson
agg I.Blend02  10 claims [5 10 15] xs 0                 sev lognorm 12 cv [1 1.5 3]                 mixed gamma 0.25
agg I.Blend03  10 claims [5 10 15] xs 0                 sev lognorm 12 cv [1 1.5 3] wts=3           mixed gamma 0.25
agg I.Blend04   1 claims [1 5 10 20] xs  0          sev lognorm 10 cv 1.2 wts [.50 .20 .20 .1]     mixed gamma 0.25
agg I.Blend05   5 claims [10 20 50 100] xs 10          sev lognorm 10 cv 1.2 wts [.50 .20 .20 .1]  mixed gamma 0.25
agg I.Blend06 [10 30 15 5]  claims [inf 10 inf 10] xs [0 0 5 5] sev lognorm  10 cv [1.0 1.25 1.5] wts=3         mixed gamma 0.25
agg I.Blend07   [10 20 30]  claims [100 200 75] xs [0 50 75]    sev lognorm 100 cv [1 2] wts [.6 .4]            mixed gamma 0.4
agg I.Blend08      [10 30]  claims                              sev lognorm 100 cv [1 2]                        mixed gamma 0.4
agg I.Blend09  [1000 2000 500] prem at [.8 .7 .5] lr            sev lognorm 10 cv [.2 .35 .5] wts [1/2 3/8 1/8] mixed gamma 0.5  note{log2=17;}
agg I.Blend10  [500 800 200]   loss                             sev lognorm 10 cv [.2 .35 .5] wts=3             mixed gamma 0.5
agg I.Blend11  [1000 2000 500] prem at [.8 .7 .5] lr            sev lognorm 10 cv [.2 .35 .5] wts [1/2 3/8 1/8] mixed gamma 0.5  note{log2=17;}
agg I.Blend12  [500 800 200]   loss                             sev lognorm 10 cv [.2 .35 .5] wts=3             mixed gamma 0.5

# Reinsurance
# ===========
agg J.Re01  5 claims 100 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv .75 occurrence net of 50% so 5 xs 0 and 5 po 15 xs 5 and 30 xs 20   poisson
agg J.Re02  5 claims 100 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv .75                                                                 poisson aggregate net of 50% so 25 xs 0 and 75 xs 25
agg J.Re03  5 claims 100 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv .75 occurrence net of 50% so 5 xs 0 and 5 po 15 xs 5 and 30 xs 20   poisson aggregate net of 50% so 25 xs 0 and 100 xs 25
agg J.Re04  5 claims 100 xs 0 dsev [1:100]          occurrence net of 50% so 5 xs 0 and 5 po 15 xs 5 and 30 xs 20   poisson aggregate net of 50% so 25 xs 0 and 100 xs 25
agg J.Re05  5 claims 100 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv .75 occurrence ceded to 50% so 5 xs 0 and 5 po 15 xs 5 and 30 xs 20 poisson
agg J.Re06  5 claims 100 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv .75                                                                 poisson aggregate ceded to 50% so 25 xs 0 and 75 xs 25
agg J.Re07  5 claims 100 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv .75 occurrence ceded to 50% so 5 xs 0 and 5 po 15 xs 5 and 30 xs 20 poisson aggregate ceded to 50% so 25 xs 0 and 100 xs 25
agg J.Re08  5 claims 100 xs 0 dsev [1:100]          occurrence ceded to 50% so 5 xs 0 and 5 po 15 xs 5 and 30 xs 20 poisson aggregate ceded to 50% so 25 xs 0 and 100 xs 25
agg J.Re09  5 claims 100 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv .75 occurrence ceded to 15 xs 5 poisson
agg J.Re10  5 claims 100 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv .75                            poisson aggregate net of   20 xs 0
agg J.Re11  5 claims 100 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv .75 occurrence ceded to 15 xs 5 poisson aggregate net of   20 xs 0
agg J.Re12  5 claims 100 xs 0 dsev [1:100]          occurrence ceded to 15 xs 5 poisson aggregate net of   20 xs 0
agg J.Re13  5 claims 100 xs 0 dsev [1:100]          occurrence net of   15 xs 5 poisson aggregate ceded to 20 xs 0
agg J.Re14  1000 prem at .5 lr sev lognorm 10 cv [.2 .35 .5] wts=3 occurrence ceded to .5 xs .5 and .5 po 1.0 xs 1.0 and 25% so 3.0 xs 2.0       mixed gamma 0.5  aggregate ceded to 1.5 xs 1.5 and 5.0 po 10.0 xs 12.5
agg J.Re15  10 claims          sev lognorm  3 cv 0.35              occurrence net of 1 xs 1 and 2.5 po 5 xs 5 and 25% so 30 xs 20 and inf xs 100 poisson          aggregate net of 10 xs 15
agg J.Re16 5 claims dsev [0:100] occurrence ceded to tower [10:50:10] poisson
agg J.Re17 5 claims dsev [0:100] poisson aggregate ceded to tower [200:500:100]

# Tweedie distributions
# =====================
agg K.Tweedie0 10.050251256281404 claims sev gamma 0.0995 cv 0.07088812050083283 poisson note{Tweedie defined by claim count, gamma mean and cv}
agg K.Tweedie1 10.050251256281404 claims sev 0.0005 * gamma 199 poisson                  note{Tweedie defined by claim count, gamma scale and shape}
agg K.Tweedie2 tweedie 1 1.005 0.1                                                       note{Tweedie defined using mean, p, and dispersion, variance = dispersion xs mean**p}

# Examples from books and papers
# ==============================
# The way this file is interpreted by the deubugger forces the programs to be written on one line
port L.Bodoff1 note{Bodoff Thought Experiment No. 1} agg wind1  1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0,  99] [0.80, 0.20] fixed agg quake1 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 100] [0.95, 0.05] fixed

port L.Bodoff2 note{Bodoff Thought Experiment No. 2} agg wind2  1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0,  50] [0.80, 0.20] fixed agg quake2 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 100] [0.95, 0.05] fixed

port L.Bodoff3 note{Bodoff Thought Experiment No. 3} agg wind3  1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0,   5] [0.80, 0.20] fixed agg quake3 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 100] [0.95, 0.05] fixed

port L.Bodoff4 note{Bodoff Thought Experiment No. 4 (check!)} agg a 0.25 claims sev   4 * expon poisson agg b 0.05 claims sev  20 * expon poisson agg c 0.05 claims sev 100 * expon poisson

# PIR book case studies
# =====================
# hints: reg_p=1; roe=0.10;
# numbers in names ensure correct sort order
port M.PIR.1.Discrete note{PIR Discrete case study. Change 8 to 9 for the equal points example.} agg Discrete.X1 1 claim dsev [0 8 10] [1/2 1/4 1/4] fixed agg Discrete.X2 1 claim dsev [0 1 90] [1/2 1/4 1/4] fixed note{bs=1; log2=8; padding=1}

# hints: reg_p=.999, roe=0.10
port M.PIR.2.Tame note{PIR Tame case study. For reinsurance see text.} agg Tame.A 1 claim sev gamma  50 cv 0.10 fixed agg Tame.B 1 claim sev gamma  50 cv 0.15 fixed note{bs=1/64, log2=16, padding=1}

# hints: reg_p=.999, roe=0.10
port M.PIR.3.CNC.Gross note{PIR Cat-Noncat gross case study.} agg CNC.NonCat 1 claim sev gamma    80 cv 0.15 fixed agg CNC.Cat 1 claim sev lognorm  20 cv 1.00 fixed note{bs=1/64, log2=16, padding=1}

port M.PIR.4.CNC.Net note{PIR Cat-Noncat net case study.} agg CNC.Net.NonCat 1 claim sev gamma    80 cv 0.15 fixed agg CNC.Net.Cat    1 claim sev lognorm  20 cv 1.00 fixed aggregate net of 79.64 xs 41.11 note{bs=1/64, log2=16, padding=1}

# hints: reg_p=.999, roe=0.10,
port M.PIR.5.HuSCS.Gross note{PIR Hurricane SCS gross case study.} agg SCS 70 claims sev exp(-1.9**2 / 2)      * lognorm 1.9 poisson agg Hu   2 claims sev exp(-2.5**2/2)/(1/15) * lognorm 2.5 poisson note{bs=1/4, log2=19, padding=1}

port M.PIR.6.HuSCS.Net note{PIR Hurricane SCS net case study.} agg Net.SCS 70 claims sev    exp(-1.9**2 / 2)   * lognorm 1.9 poisson agg Net.Hu   2 claims sev exp(-2.5**2/2)/(1/15) * lognorm 2.5 occurrence net of 372.4 xs 40.25 poisson note{bs=1/4, log2=19, padding=1}

# Proxies for US Lines
# ====================
# for portfolio construction: 10M sized books with "reasonable" severity curves
# IRS: used cycle adjusted numbers, no further adjustments
# RMI: see  \S\Teaching\2019-09\RMI3388\Notes\pdf\Archive\QA16_RMI3388_Tue-29-Oct-2019_cat_models.pdf
# SCS is a swag; last pages of 2021 cat report for EF3+ tornados shows 25-50/year; big
# SCS events 3-6 billion; https://www.aon.com/reinsurance/catastropheinsight/global-regional-losses.html?region=United%20States&type=insured
# shows avg / year about 25B, so mean severity is 25 / 37.5 = 2/3 = 666M
# sigma 1.75 of  makes 10B a 1 in 16 event; mu mean=666 eq np.log(666e6) - 1.75**2/2 = 18.785550228504665
agg N.US.Hurricane 1.79 claims 1e12 xs 0 sev exp(19.595) * lognorm 2.581 poisson  note{Based on NOAA reanalysis dataset and sample of hurricane loss. Source SJU RMI3388 Course.}
agg N.US.SCS      37.50 claims 50e9 xs 0 sev exp(18.785550228504665) * lognorm 1.75 poisson note{Judgmental based on fre3quency of EF4-5 tornadoes, AAL of 25B and extreme event loss of 10B}

# CVs based on sigmas of 1.5 for liab, 1.75 for prof and 1.25 for ppa
# Average severity selected judgmentally
agg N.Comm.Liability     10e6 loss 1e6 xs 0   sev lognorm 100e3 cv 3.77 mixed gamma 0.26 note{Source: CV from Aon IRS 10th ed, severity selected judgmentally.}
agg N.Comm.Professional  10e6 loss 5e6 xs 0   sev lognorm 850e3 cv 8.48 mixed gamma 0.27 note{Source: CV from Aon IRS 10th ed, severity selected judgmentally.}
agg N.Personal.Auto            10e6 loss 300e3 xs 0 sev lognorm  45e3 cv 20.4 mixed gamma 0.13 note{Source: CV from Aon IRS 10th ed, severity selected judgmentally.}

# limits profile low and high limits and attaching book: 1/1, 4/1 and 5/5
# severity midway between liability and professional
agg N.Comm.Umbrella [6e6 3e6 1e6] loss [1e6 4e6 5e6] xs [1e6 1e6 5e6] sev lognorm 250e3 cv 5.00 mixed gamma 0.26 note{Source: CV from Aon IRS 10th ed, severity selected judgmentally.}

# property mixed severity property and cat, pass through mixing
# note on CV of betas: for high cv it becomes a zero / one variable, to the variance maxes out at p (1-p) where p is the mean
# thus the CV maxes out at 1/sqrt(p(1-p)). For a mean of 0.1 the variance equals 1/sqrt(0.09) = 0.3 and the cv is 0.3 / 0.1 = 3
# could limit profile too, but keep simple
# assumes full ITV
agg N.Comm.Property [7e6 3e6] loss 100e6 xs 0 sev 100e6 * beta 0.1 cv [1.25 2.5] mixed gamma 0.28 note{Source: CV from Aon IRS 10th ed, severity selected judgmentally.}
agg N.Homeowners          [8e6 2e6] loss 650e3 xs 0 sev 650e3 * beta 0.1 cv [0.75 2.75] mixed gamma 0.37 note{Source: CV from Aon IRS 10th ed, severity selected judgmentally.}

# really a severity curve, but you can't mix severity
# agg N.Comm.Auto.MED 1 claim sev [2.764e3 24.548e3 275.654e3 1.917469e6 10e6] * expon 1 wts [0.824796 0.159065 0.014444 0.001624 0.000071] fixed note{Use log2=18 and bs=500 or apply limits. Source: Example from Mixed Exponential snippet and Similar Risks IME paper (2022).; log2=18; bs=500;}
sev N.Comm.Auto.MED [2.764e3 24.548e3 275.654e3 1.917469e6 10e6] * expon 1 wts [0.824796 0.159065 0.014444 0.001624 0.000071] note{Source: Example from Mixed Exponential snippet and Similar Risks IME paper (2022)}

# Novelties
# =========
agg O.Logo 1 claim [10:250:10] xs 0 sev lognorm 100 cv 1 fixed

To only parse:

from aggregate import build
filename = build.default_dir / 'test_suite.agg'
assert filename.exists()

df = build.interpreter_file(filename=filename)

df.query('error != 0')

4.5. sly Parser

The parser is built using the sly package, https://sly.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sly.html.