Source code for aggregate.extensions.figures

# figures other than from PIR book

import numpy as np
# from numpy import roll
import scipy.stats as ss
from scipy.fft import rfft, irfft # , fftshift, ifftshift, fft, ifft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import ticker
import matplotlib as mpl
from .. import build, qd
from .. constants import FIG_H, FIG_W, PLOT_FACE_COLOR
from .. spectral import Distortion, tvar_weights

[docs]def adjusting_layer_losses(): """ Figure to illustrate the process of adjusting layer losses. TODO: Add reference """ f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(FIG_H, FIG_W), constrained_layout=True) fz = ss.lognorm(.4) xs = np.linspace(0, fz.isf(1e-3), 1001, endpoint=False) F = fz.cdf(xs) ax.plot(F, xs) a1 = 1.5 a0 = 1 ax.axhline(a1, c='k', lw=.25) ax.axhline(a0, c='k', lw=.25) p0 = fz.cdf(a0) p1 = fz.cdf(a1) ax.plot([p0, p0], [0, a0], c='k', lw=.25) ax.plot([p1, p1], [0, a1], c='k', lw=.25) ax.set_xticks([0, p0, p1, 1]) ax.set_xticklabels(['0', '$F(a_{i-1})$', '$F(a_{i})$', '']) ax.set_yticks([0, a0, a1, 3.5]) ax.set_yticklabels(['0', '$a_{i-1}$', '$a_{i}$', '']) ax.text((p0+p1)/2, a0/2, '$f_i$', ha='center', va='center') ax.text((1+p1)/2, 1.25, '$e_i$', ha='center', va='center') xx = [.8] yy = [1.15] ll = ['$m_i$'] ho = -0.2 vo = 0.55 ax.set(xlabel='Nonexceedance probability\n$F(x)$', ylabel='Outcome $x$', ylim=[0, 3.5], xlim=[-0.05, 1.05], title='Lee diagram\n$x$ vs $F(x)$') for x, y, l in zip(xx, yy, ll): ax.annotate(text=l, xy=(x, y), xytext=(x + ho, y + vo), arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '->', 'linewidth': .5} ) return f
[docs]def savings_charge(): """ Figure to illustrate the insurance savings and expense(charge). """ f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(FIG_H, FIG_W), constrained_layout=True) fz = ss.lognorm(.4) xs = np.linspace(0, fz.isf(1e-3), 1001, endpoint=False) F = fz.cdf(xs) ax.plot(F, xs, lw=3) a1 = 1.25 # height of line ax.axhline(a1, c='C7', lw=1.5) ax.set_xticks([0, .25, .5, .75, 1]) ax.set_yticks([0, a1, 3.5]) ax.set_yticklabels(['0', '$r$', '']) ax.set(xlabel='Nonexceedance probability', ylabel='Scaled outcome', ylim=[0, 3.5], xlim=[0, 1], title='Insurance savings and expense') xx = [.9, .25] yy = [1.05 * a1, .8* a1] ll = ['Insurance\ncharge, $\\phi(r)$', 'Insurance\nsavings, $\\psi(r)$'] hos = [-0.1, 0.25] vos = [1.2, .65] ax.text(.5, a1 * .4, '$E[X\\wedge l]$', ha='center', va='center') for x, y, l, ho, vo in zip(xx, yy, ll, hos, vos): ax.annotate(text=l, xy=(x, y), xytext=(x + ho, y + vo), ha='right', va='bottom', arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '->', 'linewidth': .5} ) return f
[docs]def mixing_convergence(freq_cv, sev_cv, bs=1/64): """ Illustrate convergence of mixed distributions to the mixing distribution. """ # make the two dataframes of distributions a = build('agg M ' '1 claims ' f'sev gamma 1 cv {sev_cv} ' f'mixed gamma {freq_cv} ', log2=16, bs=bs, approximation='exact') dfnb = a.density_df[['p']].rename(columns={'p': 1}) assert np.abs(a.est_m / a.agg_m - 1) < 1e-3 # print("1", a.agg_m, a.est_m, a.est_m / a.agg_m - 1) for freq in [2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200]: a = build('agg M ' f'{freq} claims ' f'sev gamma 1 cv {sev_cv} ' f'mixed gamma {freq_cv} ', log2=16, bs=bs, approximation='exact') dfnb[freq] = a.density_df[['p']] assert np.abs(a.est_m / a.agg_m - 1) < 1e-3 # print(freq, a.agg_m, a.est_m, a.est_m / a.agg_m - 1) a = build('agg M ' '1 claims ' f'sev gamma 1 cv {sev_cv} ' 'poisson ', log2=16, bs=bs, approximation='exact') dfp = a.density_df[['p']].rename(columns={'p': 1}) assert np.abs(a.est_m / a.agg_m - 1) < 1e-3 # print("1", a.agg_m, a.est_m, a.est_m / a.agg_m - 1) for freq in [2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200]: a = build('agg M ' f'{freq} claims ' f'sev gamma 1 cv {sev_cv} ' 'poisson ', log2=16, bs=bs, approximation='exact') dfp[freq] = a.density_df[['p']] assert np.abs(a.est_m / a.agg_m - 1) < 1e-3 # print(freq, a.agg_m, a.est_m, a.est_m / a.agg_m - 1) # plotting fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=( 2 * FIG_W, 2 * FIG_H), constrained_layout=True) axi = iter(axs.flat) for lbl, df in zip(['Poisson distribution', 'Mixed frequency distribution'], [dfp, dfnb]): ax0 = next(axi) ax1 = next(axi) for c in df: ax0.plot(df.index/c, c*df[c], lw=1, label=str(c)) ax1.plot(df.index/c, df[c].cumsum(), lw=1, label=str(c)) if ax0 is axs.flat[0]: ax0.legend() ax0.set(ylim=[0, 1e-1], xlim=[-0.25, 5]) ax1.set(ylim=[-0.05, 1.05], xlim=[-0.25, 5]) ax0.set(ylabel='Density', xlabel='Normalized loss', title=lbl) ax1.set(ylabel='Distribution', xlabel='Normalized loss', title=lbl) # add convergence to mixing alpha = freq_cv**-2 fz = ss.gamma(alpha, scale=1/alpha) ps = np.linspace(0, 5, 501) ax = axs.flat[-1] ax.plot(ps, fz.cdf(ps), lw=2, alpha=.5, c='k', label='Mixing') ax.legend(loc='lower right')
[docs]def power_variance_family(): """ Graph to illustrate the power variance exponential family distributions. Reference: Jørgensen, Bent. 1997. The theory of dispersion models. CRC Press. """ alpha = np.linspace(-2, 2, 101) p = (alpha-2) / (alpha-1) alphabar = -(alpha+1) f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(FIG_W * 2, FIG_W * 2)) ax.plot(alphabar, p, lw=3) ax.set(ylim=[-5,10]) # ax.grid(lw=.25, c='b', alpha=.5) ax.axhline(1, c='k', lw=1) ax.axhline(0, c='k', lw=1) ax.axvline(-2, c='k', lw=.5) ax.axvline(-3/2, c='k', lw=0.5, ls='--') ax.axhline(3, c='k', lw=0.5, ls='--') ax.axhline(2, c='r', lw=1) ax.axvline(-1, c='r', lw=1) ax.set(xlabel='$\\bar\\alpha=-(\\alpha+1)$, base jump density is $x^{\\bar\\alpha}$', ylabel='Variance power function $p$, $V(\\mu)=\\phi\\mu^p$') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.FixedLocator(np.arange(-4,10))) def ql(x, y, t, dot=True, rhs=None): ax.text(x + .05, y+0.2, t) if dot: ax.plot(x,y, 'rd', ms=5) else: if rhs is None: rhs = x + 1 ax.plot([x, rhs], [y, y], lw=3) ql(-3, 0, 'Normal') ql(-3, 6, 'Stable', False) ql(-2, 9, 'Cauchy') ql(-2, -2, 'Pos Stable', False) ql(-1.5, 3, 'Stab 3/2\nIG') ql(-1, 2, 'Gamma') ql(1, 1, 'Poisson') ql(-1, -2, 'Tweedie', False, 1) ax.set(title='Power Variance Exponential Family Distributions');
[docs]def dual_distortion(dist=None, s=0.3): """ Illustrate how the dual distortion relates to the distortion. """ def setbg(t): """ make text boxes opaque and same color as plot background """ t.set_bbox(dict(facecolor=PLOT_FACE_COLOR, alpha=0.85, edgecolor='none', boxstyle='square,pad=.1')) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(2 * FIG_W, FIG_W), constrained_layout=True) ax0, ax1 = axs.flat if dist is None: dist = Distortion('ph', 0.4) ps = np.linspace(0,1,1001) gp = dist.g(ps) dp = dist.g_dual(ps) ax0.plot(ps, gp, c='C1', label='Premium, $g(s)$') ax0.plot(ps, ps, c='C0', label='Loss cost, $s$') ax0.legend() ax0.axis([-0.025, 1.025, -0.025, 1.025]) # ax0.set(xlim=[0,1], ylim=[0,1]) ax1.plot(ps, gp, c='C1', label='$g$') ax1.plot(ps, ps, c='C0', label='$s$') ax1.plot(ps, dp, c='C2', label=r'Dual, $g\check$') ax1.plot([s, s], [dist.g(s), 1], ls='--', c='C2', alpha=1, linewidth=2.5) ax1.plot([s, s], [0, s], ls='--', c='C0', alpha=1, linewidth=2.5) ax1.plot([s, s], [s, dist.g(s)], ls='--', c='C1', alpha=1, linewidth=2.5) ax1.plot([1-s, 1-s], [0, dist.g_dual(1-s)], ls='--', c='C2', alpha=1, linewidth=2.5) t = ax1.text(s * 1.05, (1 + dist.g(s))/2, 'Capital\n$=1-g(s)$', ha='left', va='center') setbg(t) t = ax1.text(s * .95, (s + dist.g(s))/2, 'Margin\n$=g(s)-s$', ha='right', va='center') setbg(t) t = ax1.text(s * .95, s/2, 'Loss\n$=s$', ha='right', va='center') setbg(t) t = ax1.text((1-s) * 1.05, dist.g_dual(1 - s)/2, 'Bid price\n$=g\check(1-s)$', ha='left', va='center') setbg(t) x1, y1 = s, 1-s x2, y2 = 1-s, s ax1.annotate("", xy=(x1, y1), xycoords='data', xytext=(x2, y2), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="<->", color="k", shrinkA=5, shrinkB=5, patchA=None, patchB=None, connectionstyle='bar,angle=90,fraction=-0.3333', ), ) ax1.legend() ax1.axis([-0.025, 1.025, -0.025, 1.025]) # ax1.set(xlim=[0,1], ylim=[0,1]) axs[0].set(title=None, xlabel='$s$, probability of loss to layer $1_{U<s}$', ylabel='Price of layer $1_{U<s}$', aspect='equal') axs[1].set(title=None, xlabel='$s$, probability of loss to layer $1_{U<s}$', aspect='equal')
[docs]def discretization_sev_example(outcomes): """ For AAS paper. Convergence of sevs with smaller bucket size. """ a01 = build(f'agg Num:01 1 claim dsev [{outcomes}] fixed', update=False) aex = build(f'agg Num:01e 1 claim dsev [{outcomes}] fixed', update=False) aex.update(log2=16, bs=1/2048) xlim = aex.limits() xlim = (xlim[0], np.round(xlim[1], 0)) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(2 * 3.5, 2 * 2.45 + 0.1), constrained_layout=True) for bs, ax in zip([1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8], axs.flat): for k in ['forward', 'round', 'backward']: a01.update(log2=10, bs=bs, sev_calc=k) a01.density_df.p_total.cumsum().\ plot(xlim=xlim, lw=2 if k=='round' else 1, drawstyle='steps-post', ls='--', label=k, ax=ax) aex.density_df.p_total.cumsum().\ plot(xlim=xlim, lw=1, label='exact', ax=ax) ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.set(title=f'Bandwidth bs={bs}') axs[0,0].set(ylabel='distribution'); axs[1,0].set(ylabel='distribution'); # @savefig num_ex1a.png scale=20 fig.suptitle('Severity by discretization method for different bandwidths');
[docs]def discretization_agg_example(outcomes): """ For AAS paper. Convergence of sevs with smaller bucket size. """ a02 = build(f'agg Num:02 4 claims dsev [{outcomes}] poisson', update=False) aex = build(f'agg Num:02e 4 claims dsev [{outcomes}] poisson', update=False) aex.update(log2=16, bs=1/2048) xlim = aex.limits() fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(2 * 3.5, 2 * 2.45 + 0.1), constrained_layout=True) for bs, ax in zip([1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8], axs.flat): for k in ['forward', 'round', 'backward']: a02.update(log2=10, bs=bs, sev_calc=k) a02.density_df.p_total.cumsum().\ plot(xlim=xlim, lw=2 if k=='round' else 1, drawstyle='steps-post', label=k, ax=ax) aex.density_df.p_total.cumsum().\ plot(xlim=xlim, lw=1, label='exact', ax=ax) ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.set(title=f'Bandwidth bs={bs}') # @savefig num_ex1b.png scale=20 fig.suptitle('Aggregates by discretization method');
[docs]def gh_example(en): ''' Code to reproduce GHGrübel and Hermesmeier 1999, Table 1. The function ``exact_cdf`` calculates the compound probability that :math:`x-1/2 < X \le x+1/2`. For AAS paper with en=20. ''' from scipy.stats import levy a = build(f'agg L {en} claim sev levy poisson', update=False) qd(a) bs = 1 a.update(log2=16, bs=bs, padding=2, normalize=False, tilt_vector=None) df = a.density_df.loc[[1, 10, 100, 1000], ['p_total']] / df.columns = ['Agg pad=2'] def exact_cdf(x): nonlocal en n = 5 * en # poisson freqs p = np.zeros(n) a = np.zeros(n) p[0] = np.exp(-en) fz = levy() for i in range(1, n): p[i] = p[i-1] * en / i a[i] = fz.cdf((x+0.5)/i**2) - fz.cdf((x-0.5)/i**2) return np.sum(p * a) df['True'] = [exact_cdf(i) for i in df.index] # other models log2 = 10 for tilt in [None, 1/1024, 5/1024, 25/1024]: a.update(log2=log2, bs=bs, padding=0, normalize=False, tilt_vector=tilt) if tilt is None: tilt = 0 df[f'Tilt {tilt:.2g}'] = a.density_df.loc[[1, 10, 100, 1000], ['p_total']]/ df.index = [f'{x: 6.0f}' for x in df.index] = 'x' qd(df.iloc[:, [1,0,2,3,4, 5]], ff=lambda x: f'{x:11.3e}')
[docs]def g_insurance_statistics(axi, dist, c='C0', ls='-', lw=1, diag=False, grid=False): """ Six part plot with EL, premium, loss ratio, profit, layer ROE and P:S for g axi = axis iterator with 6 axes dist = distortion Used to create PIR Figs 11.6 and 11.7 """ g = dist.g N = 1000 ps = np.linspace(1 / (2 * N), 1, N, endpoint=False) gs = g(ps) dn = # FIG: six panel display for i, ys, key in zip(range(1, 7), [gs, ps / gs, gs / ps, gs - ps, (gs - ps) / (1 - ps), gs / (1 - gs)], ['Premium', 'Loss Ratio', 'Markup', 'Margin', 'Discount Rate', 'Premium Leverage']): a = next(axi) if i == 1: a.plot(ps, ys, ls=ls, c=c, lw=lw, label=dn) else: a.plot(ps, ys, ls=ls, lw=lw, c=c) if i in [1] and diag: a.plot(ps, ps, color='k', linewidth=0.25) a.set(title=key) if i == 3 or i == 6: a.axis([0, 1, 0, 5]) a.set(aspect=1 / 5) elif i == 5: # discount a.axis([0, 1, 0, .5]) a.set(aspect=1 / .5) else: a.axis([0, 1, 0, 1]) a.set(aspect=1) if i == 1: a.legend(loc='lower right') if grid: a.grid(lw=0.25)
[docs]def g_risk_appetite(axi, dist, c='C0', ls='-', N=1000, lw=1, grid=False, xlabel=True, title=True, add_tvar=False): """ Plot to illustrate the risk appetite associated with a distortion g. Derived from ``g_insurance_statistics``. Plots premium, loss ratio, margin, return (easier to understand than discount), VaR wts and optionally TVaR wts axi = axis iterator with 6 axes dist = distortion Used to create PIR Figs 11.6 and 11.7 """ g = dist.g ps = np.linspace(1 / (2 * N), 1, N, endpoint=False) gs = g(ps) # var weight gp = dist.g_prime(ps) # tvar weight wt_fun = tvar_weights(dist) ps01 = np.linspace(0, 1, N+1) tvar = wt_fun(ps01) # labels etc. dn =' ', '\n').replace('aCC', 'CC') isccoc ='ccoc') >= 0 istvar ='tvar') >= 0 for i, ys, key in zip(range(6), [gs, ps / gs, gs - ps, (gs - ps) / (1 - gs), gp, tvar], ['Premium', 'Loss ratio', 'Margin', 'Return on capital', 'VaR weight', 'TVaR p weight']): if i == 5 and not add_tvar: # skip tvar weights continue a = next(axi) if key == 'VaR weight' and istvar: ds = 'steps-post' elif key == 'TVaR p weight' and (istvar or isccoc): ds = 'steps-mid' else: ds = 'default' kwargs = {'ls': ls, 'c': c, 'lw': lw, 'ds': ds} if i == 0: a.plot(ps, ys, label=dn, **kwargs) a.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=10) elif i < 5: a.plot(ps, ys, **kwargs) else: a.plot(ps01, ys, **kwargs) if title: a.set(title=key) if i in (1, 3, 4): mn, mx = a.get_ylim() mx = max(1.025, min(5, mx * 1.1)) # a.set_ylim(0) a.axis([-0.025, 1.025, -0.025, mx]) a.set(aspect=1 / mx) elif i == 2: a.axis([-0.025, 1.025, -0.025, .525]) a.set(aspect=2) elif i in (0,1): a.axis([-0.025, 1.025, -0.025, 1.025]) a.set(aspect='equal') elif i == 5: pass else: a.axis([-0.025, 1.025, -0.025, 1.025]) a.set(aspect=1) if isccoc: if key == 'Premium': # add zero point a.plot(0, 0, 'o', c=c) if key == 'VaR weight': # add var mass mx = 2.2 line, = a.plot(0, mx, '*', c=c) # Point above the plot area # Allow plotting outside of the plot area line.set_clip_on(False) if key == 'Return on capital': # add var mass mx = a.get_ylim()[1] * 1.1 line, = a.plot(0, mx, '*', c=c) # Point above the plot area # Allow plotting outside of the plot area line.set_clip_on(False) if grid: a.grid(lw=0.25) if xlabel: if i == 0: a.set(xlabel='Exceedance probability\n(large losses on left)') elif i == 5: a.set(xlabel='p value\n(mean on left, max on right)') else: a.set(xlabel='Exceedance probability')
# print(np.sum(gp))