3.5. Utilities

3.5.1. Moment Aggregator Class

class aggregate.utilities.MomentAggregator(freq_moms=None)[source]

Purely accumulates moments Used by Portfolio Not frequency aware makes report_ser df and statistics_df

Internal variables agg, sev, freq, tot = running total, 1, 2, 3 = noncentral moments, E(X^k)


freq_moms – function of one variable returning first three noncentral moments of the underlying frequency distribution

add_f1s(f1, s1, s2, s3)[source]

accumulate new moments defined by f1 and s - fills in f2, f3 based on stored frequency distribution

used by Aggregate

compute agg for the latest values

  • f1

  • s1

  • s2

  • s3


add_fs(f1, f2, f3, s1, s2, s3)[source]

accumulate new moments defined by f and s

used by Portfolio

compute agg for the latest values

  • f1

  • f2

  • f3

  • s1

  • s2

  • s3


add_fs2(f1, vf, s1, vs)[source]

accumulate based on first two moments entered as mean and variance - this is how questions are generally written.

static agg_from_fs(f1, f2, f3, s1, s2, s3)[source]

aggregate_project moments from freq and sev components

  • f1

  • f2

  • f3

  • s1

  • s2

  • s3


static agg_from_fs2(f1, vf, s1, vs)[source]

aggregate_project moments from freq and sev ex and var x

  • f1

  • vf

  • s1

  • vs


static column_names()[source]

list of the moment and statistics_df names for f x s = a


static cumulate_moments(m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3)[source]

Moments of sum of indepdendent variables

  • m1 – 1st moment, E(X)

  • m2 – 2nd moment, E(X^2)

  • m3 – 3rd moment, E(X^3)

  • n1

  • n2

  • n3


get_fsa_stats(total, remix=False)[source]

get the current f x s = agg statistics_df and moments total = true use total else, current remix = true for total only, re-compute freq statistics_df based on total freq 1

  • total – binary

  • remix – combine all sevs and recompute the freq moments from total freq


moments(mom_type, total=True)[source]

vector of the moments; convenience function

  • mom_type

  • total


moments_to_mcvsk(mom_type, total=True)[source]

convert noncentral moments into mean, cv and skewness type = agg | freq | sev | mix delegates work

  • mom_type

  • total


static static_moments_to_mcvsk(ex1, ex2, ex3)[source]

returns mean, cv and skewness from non-central moments

  • ex1

  • ex2

  • ex3


stats_series(name, limit, pvalue, remix)[source]

combine elements into a reporting series handles order, index names etc. in one place

  • name – series name

  • limit

  • pvalue

  • remix – called from Aggregate want remix=True to collect mix terms; from Portfolio remix=False


3.5.2. Moment Wrangler Class

class aggregate.utilities.MomentWrangler[source]

Conversion between central, noncentral and factorial moments

Input any one and ask for any translation.

Stores moments as noncentral internally


add factorial from central

3.5.3. Axis Manager Class

class aggregate.utilities.AxisManager(n, figsize=None, height=2, aspect=1, nr=5)[source]

Manages creation of a grid of axes for plotting. Allows pandas plot and matplotlib to plot to same set of axes.

Always created and managed through axiter_factory function

  • n – number of plots in grid

  • figsize

  • height – height of individual plot

  • aspect – aspect ratio of individual plot

  • nr – number of plots per row

__init__(n, figsize=None, height=2, aspect=1, nr=5)[source]

return dimensions (width and height) of current layout


static good_grid(n, c=4)[source]

Good layout for n plots :param n: :return:


return a block of axes suitable for Pandas if size=0 return all the axes




grid_size(n, subgrid=False)[source]

appropriate grid size given class parameters

  • n

  • subgrid – call is for a subgrid, no special treatment for 6 and 8


static make_figure(n, aspect=1.5, **kwargs)[source]

make the figure and iterator :param n: :param aspect: :return:

static print_fig(n, aspect=1.5)[source]

printout code…to insert (TODO copy to clipboard!) :param n: :param aspect: :return:

static size_figure(r, c, aspect=1.5)[source]

reasonable figure size for n plots :param r: :param c: :param aspect: :return:


delete unused axes to tidy up a plot


static tidy_up(f, ax)[source]

delete unused frames out of a figure :param ax: :return:

3.5.4. Utilities Module

class aggregate.utilities.Answer(**kwargs)[source]

Generic answer wrapping class with plotting


kwargs – key=value to wrap


List elements


List elements

static nice(x)[source]

return a nice rep of x


just print out the dataframes: horz or vertical as appropriate reasonable styling :return:

class aggregate.utilities.GCN(gross, net, ceded)

Return a new dict which maps field names to their values.

classmethod _make(iterable)

Make a new GCN object from a sequence or iterable


Return a new GCN object replacing specified fields with new values


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

class aggregate.utilities.GreatFormatter(sci=True, power_range=(-3, 3), offset=True, mathText=False)[source]
__init__(sci=True, power_range=(-3, 3), offset=True, mathText=False)[source]
aggregate.utilities.approximate_work(m, cv, skew, name, agg_str, note, approx_type, output)[source]

Does the work for Portfolio.approximate and Aggregate.approximate. See their documentation.


output – scipy - frozen scipy.stats continuous rv object; agg_decl sev_decl - DecL program for severity (to substituate into an agg ; no name) sev_kwargs - dictionary of parameters to create Severity agg_decl - Decl program agg T 1 claim sev_decl fixed any other string - created Aggregate object

aggregate.utilities.axiter_factory(axiter, n, figsize=None, height=2, aspect=1, nr=5)[source]

axiter = check_axiter(axiter, …) to allow chaining TODO can this be done in the class somehow?

  • axiter

  • n

  • figsize

  • height

  • aspect

  • nr


aggregate.utilities.block_iman_conover(unit_losses, intra_unit_corrs, inter_unit_corr, as_frame=False)[source]

Apply Iman Conover to the unit loss blocks in unit_losses with correlation matrices in intra.

Then determine the ordering for the unit totals with correlation inter.

Re-order each unit, row by row, so that the totals have the desired correlation structure, but leaving the intra unit correlation unchanged.

unit_losses = [np.arrays or pd.Series] of losses by subunit within units, without totals

len(unit_losses) == len(intra_unit corrs)

For simplicity all normal copula; can add other later if required.

No totals input or output anywhere.

if as_frame then a dataframe version returned, for auditing.

Here is some tester code, using great.test_df to make random unit losses. Vary num_units and num_sims as required.

def bic_tester(num_units=3, num_sims=10000):
    from aggregate import random_corr_matrix
    # from great import test_df

    # create samples
    R = range(num_units)
    unit_losses = [test_df(num_sims, 3 + i) for i in R]
    totals = [u.sum(1) for u in unit_losses]

    # manual dataframe to check against
    manual = pd.concat(unit_losses + totals, keys=[f'Unit_{i}' for i in R] + ['Total' for i in R], axis=1)

    # for input to method
    unit_losses = [i.to_numpy() for i in unit_losses]
    totals = [i.to_numpy() for i in totals]

    # make corrs
    intra_unit_corrs = [random_corr_matrix(i.shape[1], p=.5, positive=True) for i in unit_losses]
    inter_unit_corr = random_corr_matrix(len(totals), p=1, positive=True)

    # apply method
    bic = block_iman_conover(unit_losses, intra_unit_corrs, inter_unit_corr, True)

    # extract frame answer, put col names back
    bic.frame.columns = manual.columns
    dm = bic.frame

    # achieved corr
    for i, target in zip(dm.columns.levels[0], intra_unit_corrs + [inter_unit_corr]):
        print((dm[i].corr() - target).abs().max().max())
        # print(dm[i].corr() - target)

    # total corr across subunits

    # total corr across subunits

    return manual, bic, intra_unit_corrs, inter_unit_corr

manual, bic, intra, inter = bic_tester(3, 10000)
aggregate.utilities.easy_formatter(ax, which, kind, places=None, power_range=(-3, 3), sep='', unit='', sci=True, mathText=False, offset=True)[source]

set which (x, y, b, both) to kind = sci, eng, nice nice = engineering but uses e-3, e-6 etc. see docs for ScalarFormatter and EngFormatter

aggregate.utilities.estimate_agg_percentile(m, cv, skew, p=0.999)[source]

Come up with an estimate of the tail of the distribution based on the three parameter fits, ln and gamma

Updated Nov 2022 with a way to estimate p based on lognormal results. How far in the tail you need to go to get an accurate estimate of the mean. See 2_x_approximation_error in the help.

Retain p param for backwards compatibility.

  • m

  • cv

  • skew

  • p – if > 1 converted to 1 - 10**-n



Explain the validation result rv. Don’t over report: if you fail CV don’t need to be told you fail Skew too.

aggregate.utilities.frequency_examples(n, ν, f, κ, sichel_case, log2, xmax=500)[source]

Illustrate different frequency distributions and frequency moment calculations.

sichel_case = gamma | ig | ‘’

Sample call:

df, ans = frequency_examples(n=100, ν=0.45, f=0.5, κ=1.25,
                             sichel_case='', log2=16, xmax=2500)
  • n – E(N) = expected claim count

  • ν – CV(mixing) = asymptotic CV of any compound aggregate whose severity has a second moment

  • f – proportion of certain claims, 0 <= f < 1, higher f corresponds to greater skewnesss

  • κ – (kappa) claims per occurrence

  • sichel_case – gamma, ig or ‘’

  • xmax


Attempt to format df “nicely”, in a user-friendly manner. Not designed for big dataframes!




aggregate.utilities.ft(z, padding, tilt)[source]

fft with padding and tilt padding = n makes vector 2^n as long n=1 doubles (default) n=2 quadruples tilt is passed in as the tilting vector or None: easier for the caller to have a single instance

  • z

  • padding – = 1 doubles

  • tilt – vector of tilt values


aggregate.utilities.gamma_fit(m, cv)[source]

reasonable formats for a styler




aggregate.utilities.html_title(txt, n=1, title_case=True)[source]
  • txt

  • n

  • title_case


aggregate.utilities.ic_noise(n, d)[source]

Implements steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 This is bottleneck function, therefore cache it It handles the true-up of the random sample to ensure it is exactly independent :param n: row :param d: columns :return:


rankdata function: assign ranks to data, dealing with ties appropriately work by column N is a numpy array

aggregate.utilities.ic_reorder(ranks, samples)[source]

put samples into the order determined by ranks array is calibrated to the reference distribution space for the answer

aggregate.utilities.ic_t_noise(n, d, dof)[source]

as above using multivariate t distribution noise

aggregate.utilities.ift(z, padding, tilt)[source]

ift that strips out padding and adjusts for tilt

  • z

  • padding

  • tilt


aggregate.utilities.iman_conover(marginals, desired_correlation, dof=0, add_total=True)[source]

Perform Iman Conover shuffling on input marginals to achieve desired_correlation Desired_correlation must be positive definite and of the correct size. The result has the same rank correlation as a reference sample with the desired linear correlation. Thus, the process relies on linear and rank correlation (for the reference and the input sample) being close.

if dof==0 use normal scores; else you mv t

Sample code:

n = 100
df = pd.DataFrame({ f'line_{i}': ss.lognorm(.1 + .2*np.random.rand(),
                scale=10000).rvs(n) for i in range(3)})
desired = np.matrix([[1, -.3, 0], [-.3, 1, .8], [0, .8, 1]])
# check it is a corr matrix

df2 = iman_conover(df, desired)

Iman Conover Method

Make rank order the same as a reference sample with desired correlation structure.

Reference sample usually chosen as multivariate normal because it is easy and flexible, but you can use any reference, e.g. copula based.

The old @Risk software used Iman Conover.

Input: matrix $mathbf X$ of marginals and desired correlation matrix $mathbf S$

1. Make one column of scores $a_i=Phi^{-1}(i/(n+1))$ for $i=1,dots,n$ and rescale to have standard deviation one. 1. Copy the scores $r$ times to make the score matrix $mathbf M$. 1. Randomly permute the entries in each column of $mathbf M$. 1. Compute the correlation matrix $n^{-1}mathbf M’mathbf M$ of the sample scores $mathbf M$. 1. Compute the Choleski decomposition $n^{-1}mathbf M^tmathbf M=mathbf Emathbf E^t$ of the score correlation matrix. 1. Compute $mathbf M’ = mathbf M(mathbf E^t)^{-1}$, which is exactly uncorrelated. 1. Compute the Choleski decomposition $mathbf S=mathbf Cmathbf C^t$ of the desired correlation matrix $mathbf S$. 1. Compute $mathbf T=mathbf M’mathbf C^t$. The matrix $mathbf T$ has exactly the desired correlation structure 1. Let $mathbf Y$ be the input matrix $mathbf X$ with each column reordered to have exactly the same rank ordering as the corresponding column of $mathbf T$.

Relies on the fact that rank (Spearman) and linear (Pearson) correlation are approximately the same.

aggregate.utilities.integral_by_doubling(func, x0, err=1e-08)[source]

Compute \(\int_{x_0}^\infty f\) as the sum

\[\int_{x_0}^\infty f = \sum_{n \ge 0} \int_{2^nx_0}^{2^{n+1}x_0} f\]

Caller should check the integral actually converges.

  • func – function to be integrated.

  • x0 – starting x value

  • err – desired accuracy: stop when incremental integral is <= err.


Discover the non-private methods and properties of an object ob. Returns a pandas DataFrame.

aggregate.utilities.kaplan_meier(df, loss='loss', closed='closed')[source]

Compute Kaplan Meier Product limit estimator based on a sample of losses in the dataframe df. For each loss you know the current evaluation in column loss and a 0/1 indicator for open/closed in closed.

The output dataframe has columns

  • index x_i, size of loss

  • open - the number of open events of size x_i (open claim with this size)

  • closed - the number closed at size x_i

  • events - total number of events of size x_i

  • n - number at risk at x_i

  • s - probability of suriviving past x_i = 1 - closed / n

  • pl - cumulative probability of surviving past x_i

See ipython workbook kaplan_meier.ipynb for a check against lifelines and some kaggle data (telco customer churn, https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/blastchar/telco-customer-churn?resource=download https://towardsdatascience.com/introduction-to-survival-analysis-the-kaplan-meier-estimator-94ec5812a97a

  • df – dataframe of data

  • loss – column containing loss amount data

  • closed – column indicating if the obervation is a closed claim (1) or open (0)


dataframe as described above

aggregate.utilities.kaplan_meier_np(loss, closed)[source]

Feeder to kaplan_meier where loss is np array of loss amounts and closed a same sized array of 0=open, 1=closed indicators.


Not sure we should get into this…

See FigureManager in Great or common.py






aggregate.utilities.ln_fit(m, cv)

lognormal parameters


” Issue logs at each level


Solve for theta parameter given mean, see JKK p. 288

aggregate.utilities.logger_level(level=30, name='aggregate', verbose=False)[source]

Code from common.py

Change logger level all loggers containing name Changing for EVERY logger is a really bad idea, you get the endless debug info out of matplotlib find_font, for exapmle.

FWIW, to list all loggers:

loggers = [logging.getLogger()]  # get the root logger
loggers = loggers + [logging.getLogger(name) for name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict]




Lognormal approximation to series, index = loss values, values = density.

aggregate.utilities.lognorm_lev(mu, sigma, n, limit)[source]

return E(min(X, limit)^n) for lognormal using exact calculation currently only for n=1, 2

  • mu

  • sigma

  • n

  • limit


aggregate.utilities.make_ceder_netter(reins_list, debug=False)[source]

Build the netter and ceder functions. It is applied to occ_reins and agg_reins, so should be stand-alone.

The reinsurance functions are piecewise linear functions from 0 to inf which kinks as needed to express the ceded loss as a function of subject (gross) loss.

For example, if reins_list = [(1, 10, 0), (0.5, 30, 20)] the program is 10 x 10 and 15 part of 30 x 20 (share=0.5). This requires nodes at 0, 10, 20, 50, and inf.

It is easiest to make the ceder function. Ceded loss at subject loss at x equals the sum of the limits below x plus the cession to the layer in which x lies. The variable base keeps track of the layer, h of the sum (height) of lower layers. xs tracks the knot points, ys the values.

Break (xs)   Ceded (ys)
     0            0
    10            0
    20           10
    50           25
   inf           25

For example:

%%sf 1 2

c, n, x, y = make_ceder_netter([(1, 10, 10), (0.5, 30, 20), (.25, np.inf, 50)], debug=True)

xs = np.linspace(0,250, 251)
ys = c(xs)

ax0.plot(xs, ys)
ax0.plot(xs, xs, ':C7')

ax1.plot(xs, xs-ys)
ax1.plot(xs, xs, 'C7:')
  • reins_list – a list of (share of, limit, attach), e.g., (0.5, 3, 2) means 50% share of 3x2 or, equivalently, 1.5 part of 3 x 2. It is better to store share rather than part because it still works if limit == inf.

  • debug – if True, return layer function xs and ys in addition to the interpolation functions.


netter and ceder functions; optionally debug information.


Make a correlation matrix from a vine specification, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vine_copula.

A vine spececification is:

row 0: correl of X0...Xn-1 with X0
row 1: correl of X1....Xn-1 with X1 given X0
row 2: correl of X2....Xn-1 with X2 given X0, X1

For example

vs = np.array([[1,.2,.2,.2,.2],
               [0,0,1,.4, .4],

Key fact is the partial correlation forumula

\[\rho(X,Y|Z) = \frac{(\rho(X,Y) - \rho(X,Z)\rho(Y,Z))}{\sqrt{(1-\rho(X,Z)^2)(1-\rho(Y,Z)^2)}}\]

and therefore

\[\rho(X,Y) = \rho(X,Z)\rho(Y,Z) + \rho(X,Y|Z) \sqrt((1-\rho(XZ)^2)(1-\rho(YZ)^2))\]

see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_correlation#Using_recursive_formula.

aggregate.utilities.make_mosaic_figure(mosaic, figsize=None, w=3.5, h=2.45, xfmt='great', yfmt='great', places=None, power_range=(-3, 3), sep='', unit='', sci=True, mathText=False, offset=True, return_array=False)[source]

make mosaic of axes apply format to xy axes default engineering format default w x h per subplot

xfmt=’d’ for default axis formatting, n=nice, e=engineering, s=scientific, g=great great = engineering with power of three exponents

if return_array then the returns are mor comparable with the old axiter_factory


Make var (lower quantile), upper quantile, and tvar functions from a pd.Series ser, which has index given by losses and p_total values.

ser must have a unique monotonic increasing index and all p_totals > 0.

Such a series comes from a.density_df.query('p_total > 0').p_total, for example.

Tested using numpy vs pd.Series lookup functions, and this version is much faster. See var_tvar_test_suite function below for testers (obviously run before this code was integrated).

Changed in v. 0.13.0

aggregate.utilities.moms_analytic(fz, limit, attachment, n, analytic=True)[source]

Return moments of \(E[(X-attachment)^+ \wedge limit]^m\) for m = 1,2,…,n.

To check:

# fz = ss.lognorm(1.24)
fz = ss.gamma(6.234, scale=100)
# fz = ss.pareto(3.4234, scale=100, loc=-100)

a1 = moms_analytic(fz, 50, 1234, 3)
a2 = moms_analytic(fz, 50, 1234, 3, False)
a1, a2, a1-a2, (a1-a2) / a1
  • fz – frozen scipy.stats instance

  • limit – double, limit (layer width)

  • attachment – double, limit

  • n – int, power

  • analytic – if True use analytic formula, else numerical integrals

aggregate.utilities.more(self, regex)[source]

Investigate self for matches to the regex. If callable, try calling with no args, else display.

aggregate.utilities.mu_sigma_from_mean_cv(m, cv)[source]

lognormal parameters

aggregate.utilities.mv(x, y=None)[source]

Nice display of mean and variance for Aggregate or Portfolios or entered values.

R style function, no return value.

  • x – Aggregate or Portfolio or float

  • y – float, if x is a float




Suggest a nice multiple for an axis with scale 0 to mx. Used by the MultipleLocator in discrete plots, where you want an integer multiple. Return 0 to let matplotlib figure the answer. Real issue is stopping multiples like 2.5.





Extract kwargs from txt note. Recognizes bs, log2, padding, normalize, recommend_p. CSS format. Split on ; and then look for k=v pairs bs can be entered as 1/32 etc.


txt – input text

Return value

dictionary of keyword: typed value

aggregate.utilities.parse_note_ex(txt, log2, bs, recommend_p, kwargs)[source]

Avoid duplication: this is how the function is used in Underwriter.build.

aggregate.utilities.partial_e(sev_name, fz, a, n)[source]

Compute the partial expected value of fz. Computing moments is a bottleneck, so you want analytic computation for the most commonly used types.

Exponential (for mixed exponentials) implemented separate from gamma even though it is a special case.

for k=0,…,n as a np.array

To do: beta? weibull? Burr? invgamma, etc.

  • sev_name – scipy.stats name for distribution

  • fz – frozen scipy.stats instance

  • a – double, limit for integral

  • n – int, power


partial expected value

aggregate.utilities.partial_e_numeric(fz, a, n)[source]

Simple numerical integration version of partial_e for auditing purposes.

aggregate.utilities.picks_work(attachments, layer_loss_picks, xs, sev_density, n=1, sf=None, debug=False)[source]

Adjust the layer unconditional expected losses to target. You need int xf(x)dx, but that is fraught when f is a mixed distribution. So we only use the int S version. fz was initially a frozen continuous distribution; but adjusted to sf function and dropped need for pdf function.

See notes for how the parts are defined. Notice that:

np.allclose(p.layers.v - p.layers.f, p.layers.l - p.layers.e)

is true.

  • attachments – array of layer attachment points, in ascending order (bottom to top). a[0]>0

  • layer_loss_picks – Target means. If len(layer_loss_picks)==len(attachments) then the bottom layer, 0 to a[0], is added. Can be input as unconditional layer severity (i.e., \(\mathbb{E}[(X-a)^+\wedge y]\)) or as the layer loss pick (i.e., \(\mathbb{E}[(X-a)^+\wedge y]'times n\) where n is the number of ground-up (to the insurer) claims. Multiplying and dividing by \(S(a)\) shows this equals conditional severity in the layer times the number of claims in the layer.) Actuaries usually estimate the loss pick to the layer in pricing. When called from Aggregate the number of ground up claims is known.

  • en – ground-up expected claims. Target is divided by en.

  • xs – x values for discretization

  • sev_density – Series of existing severity density from Aggregate.

  • sf – cdf function for the severity distribution.

  • debug – if True, return debug information (layers, density with adjusted probs, audit of layer expected values.


Simple text version of pprint with line breaking

aggregate.utilities.pprint_ex(txt, split=0, html=False)[source]

Try to format an agg program. This is difficult because of dfreq and dsev, optional reinsurance, etc. Go for a simple approach of removing unnecessary spacing and removing notes. Notes can be accessed from the spec that is always to hand.

For long programs use split=60 or so, they are split at appropriate points.

Best to use html = True to get colorization.

  • txt – program text input

  • split – if > 0 split lines at this length

  • html – if True return html (via pygments) , else return text

aggregate.utilities.qd(*argv, accuracy=3, align=True, trim=True, ff=None, **kwargs)[source]

Endless quest for a robust display format!

Quick display (qd) a list of objects. Dataframes handled in text with reasonable defaults. For use in documentation.


argv: list of objects to print


accuracy: number of decimal places to display


align: if True, align columns at decimal point (sEngFormatter)


trim: if True, trim trailing zeros (sEngFormatter)


ff: if not None, use this function to format floats, or ‘basic’, or ‘binary’


passed to pd.DataFrame.to_string for dataframes only. e.g., pass dict of formatters by column.


Quick describe with nice percentiles and cv for a dataframe.

aggregate.utilities.random_corr_matrix(n, p=1, positive=False)[source]

make a random correlation matrix

smaller p results in more extreme correlation 0 < p <= 1


rcm = random_corr_matrix(5, .8)

positive=True for all entries to be positive

aggregate.utilities.rearrangement_algorithm_max_VaR(df, p=0, tau=0.001, max_n_iter=100)[source]

Implementation of the Rearragement Algorithm (RA). Determines the worst p-VaR rearrangement of the input variables.

For loss random variables p is usually close to 1.

Embrechts, Paul, Giovanni Puccetti, and Ludger Ruschendorf, 2013, Model uncertainty and VaR aggregation, Journal of Banking and Finance 37, 2750–2764.

Worst-Case VaR

Worst value at risk arrangement of marginals.

See Actuarial Review article.

Worst TVaR / Variance arrangement of bivariate data = pair best with worst, second best with second worst, etc., called countermonotonic arangement.

More than 2 marginals: can’t make everything negatively correlated with everything else. If \(X\) and \(Y\) are negatively correlated and \(Y\) and \(Z\) are negatively correlated then \(X\) and \(Z\) will be positively correlated.

Next best attempt: make \(X\) countermonotonic to \(Y+Z\), \(Y\) to \(X+Z\) and \(Z\) to \(X+Y\). Basis of rearrangement algorithm.

The Rearrangement Algorithm

  1. Randomly permute each column of \(X\), the \(N\times d\) matrix of top \(1-p\) observations

  2. Loop

    • Create a new matrix \(Y\) as follows. For column \(j=1,\dots,d\)

      • Create a temporary matrix \(V_j\) by deleting the \(j\)th column of \(X\)

      • Create a column vector \(v\) whose \(i\)th element equals the sum of the elements in the \(i\)th row of \(V_j\)

      • Set the \(j\)th column of \(Y\) equal to the \(j\)th column of \(X\) arranged to have the opposite order to \(v\), i.e. the largest element in the \(j\)th column of \(X\) is placed in the row of \(Y\) corresponding to the smallest element in \(v\), the second largest with second smallest, etc.

    • Compute \(y\), the \(N\times 1\) vector with \(i\)th element equal to the sum of the elements in the \(i\)th row of \(Y\) and let \(y^*=\min(y)\) be the smallest element of \(y\) and compute \(x^*\) from \(X\) similarly

    • If \(y^*-x^* \ge \epsilon\) then set \(X=Y\) and repeat the loop

    • If \(y^*-x^* < \epsilon\) then break from the loop

  3. The arrangement \(Y\) is an approximation to the worst :math:` ext{VaR}_p` arrangement of \(X\).

  • df – Input DataFrame containing samples from each marginal. RA will only combine the top 1-p proportion of values from each marginal.

  • p – If p==0 assume df has already truncated to the top p values (for each marginal). Otherwise truncate each at the int(1-p * len(df))

  • tau – simulation tolerance

  • max_iter – maximum number of iterations to attempt


the top 1-p values of the rearranged DataFrame


Compute a decent rounded bucket from an input float bs.

if bs > 1 round to 2, 5, 10, ...

elif bs < 1 find the smallest power of two greater than bs

Test cases:

test_cases = [1, 1.1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 5.5, 8.7, 9.9, 10, 13,
              15, 20, 50, 100, 99, 101, 200, 250, 400, 457,
                500, 750, 1000, 2412, 12323, 57000, 119000,
                1e6, 1e9, 1e12, 1e15, 1e18, 1e21]
for i in test_cases:
    print(i, round_bucket(i))
for i in test_cases:
    print(1/i, round_bucket(1/i))
class aggregate.utilities.sEngFormatter(accuracy, min_prefix=-6, max_prefix=12, align=True, trim=True)[source]

Formats float values according to engineering format inside a range of exponents, and standard scientific notation outside.

Uses the same number of significant digits throughout. Optionally aligns at decimal point. That takes up more horizontal space but produces easier to read output.

Based on matplotlib.ticker.EngFormatter and pandas EngFormatter. Converts to scientific notation outside (smaller) range of prefixes. Uses same number of significant digits?


sef1 = sEngFormatter(accuracy=5, min_prefix=0, max_prefix=12, align=True, trim=True)
sef2 = sEngFormatter(accuracy=5, min_prefix=0, max_prefix=12, align=False, trim=True)
sef3 = sEngFormatter(accuracy=5, min_prefix=0, max_prefix=12, align=True, trim=False)
sef4 = sEngFormatter(accuracy=5, min_prefix=0, max_prefix=12, align=False, trim=False)
test = [1.234 * 10**n for n in range(-20,20)]
test = [-i for i in test] + test
for sef in [sef1, sef2, sef3, sef4]:
‘.join([sef(i) for i in test]))



print(‘===============’) test = [1.234 * 10**n + 3e-16 for n in range(-20,20)] test = [-i for i in test] + test for sef in [sef1, sef2, sef3, sef4]:


‘.join([sef(i) for i in test]))

__init__(accuracy, min_prefix=-6, max_prefix=12, align=True, trim=True)[source]
remove_trailing_zeros(str_x, x, dps)[source]

Remove trailing zeros from a string representation str_x of a number x. The number of decimal places is dps. If the number is in scientific notation then there is no change. Eg with dps == 3, 1.2000 becomes 1.2, 1.000 becomes 1, but 1.200 when x=1.20000001 is unchanged.

aggregate.utilities.sensible_jump(n, desired_rows=20)[source]

return a sensible jump size to output desired_rows given input of n

  • n

  • desired_rows


aggregate.utilities.sgamma_fit(m, cv, skew)[source]

method of moments shifted gamma fit matching given mean, cv and skewness

  • m

  • cv

  • skew


aggregate.utilities.show_fig(f, format='svg', **kwargs)[source]

Save a figure so it can be placed precisely in output. Used by Underwriter.show to interleaf tables and plots.

  • f – a plt.Figure

  • format – svg or png

  • kwargs – passed to savefig

aggregate.utilities.sln_fit(m, cv, skew)[source]

method of moments shifted lognormal fit matching given mean, cv and skewness

  • m

  • cv

  • skew



Style a df similar to pricinginsurancerisk.com styles.

graph background color is B4C3DC and figure (paler) background is F1F8F#

Dropped row lines; bold level0, caption




styled dataframe


all non empty subsets of x, an interable

aggregate.utilities.suptitle_and_tight(title, **kwargs)[source]

deal with tight layout when there is a suptitle




aggregate.utilities.test_var_tvar(program, bs=0, n_ps=1025, normalize=False, speed_test=False, log2=16)[source]

Run a test suite of programs against new var and tvar functions compared to old aggregate.Aggregate versions


args = [
    ('agg T dfreq [1,2,4,8] dsev [1]', 0, 1025, False),
    ('agg T dfreq [1:8] dsev [2:3]', 0, 1025, False),
    ('agg D dfreq [1:6] dsev [1]', 0, 7, False),
    ('agg T2 10 claims 100 x 0 sev lognorm 10 cv 1 poisson ', 1/64, 1025, False),
    ('agg T2 10 claims sev lognorm 10 cv 4 poisson ', 1/16, 1025, False),
    ('agg T2 10 claims sev lognorm 10 cv 4 mixed gamma 1.2 ', 1/8, 1025, False),
    ('agg Dice dfreq [1] dsev [1:6]', 0, 7, False)

from IPython.display import display, Markdown
for t in args:
    display(Markdown(f'## {t[0]}'))
    bs = t[1]
    test_suite(*t, speed_test=False, log2=16 if bs!= 1/8 else 20)

Expected output to show that new functions are 3+ orders of magnitude faster, and agree with the old functions. q and q_upper agree everywhere except the jumps.

aggregate.utilities.tweedie_convert(*, p=None, μ=None, σ2=None, λ=None, α=None, β=None, m=None, cv=None)[source]

Translate between Tweedie parameters. Input p, μ, σ2 or λ, α, β or λ, m, cv. Remaining parameters are computed and returned in pandas Series.

p, μ, σ2 are the reproductive parameters, μ is the mean and the variance equals σ2 μ^p λ, α, β are the additive parameters; λαβ is the mean, λα(α + 1) β^2 is the variance (α is the gamma shape and β is the scale). λ, m, cv specify the compound Poisson with expected claim count λ and gamma with mean m and cv

In addition, returns p0, the probability mass at 0.

aggregate.utilities.tweedie_density(x, *, p=None, μ=None, σ2=None, λ=None, α=None, β=None, m=None, cv=None)[source]

Exact density of Tweedie distribution from series expansion. Use any parameterization and convert between them with Tweedie convert. Coded for clarity and flexibility not speed. See tweedie_convert for parameterization.

aggregate.utilities.xsden_to_meancv(xs, den)[source]

Compute mean and cv from xs and density.

Consider adding: np.nan_to_num(den)

Note: cannot rely on pd.Series[-1] to work… it depends on the index. xs could be an index :param xs: :param den: :return:

aggregate.utilities.xsden_to_meancvskew(xs, den)[source]

Compute mean, cv and skewness from xs and density

Consider adding: np.nan_to_num(den)

param xs

param den


3.5.5. Constants

class aggregate.constants.Validation(value)[source]

An enumeration.